10 Ways to Boost eCommerce Sales

With the advent of globalization and high end technology, the number of ways businesses can promote and sell their product has increased manifold. Ecommerce in particular has seen a significant surge owing to the fact that globalization has made the world a smaller place, through ecommerce you can sell your products to any part of the world. To make the best use of this platform, this article tells you the 10 ways to boost your ecommerce sales:

1: Social Media Presence:

Today all of us have a presence on social media. This is one of the best places to advertise your product. Open a page for it and interact with potential customers.

10 Ways to Boost eCommerce Sales Social Media Presence

2: Reviews:

In ecommerce the customer relies on the reviews of your product online. To boost your ecommerce sales get your customers to review your product. Unlike shopping in stores physically, where word spreads by mouth, the large customer database requires online reviews to spread the opinion about your product.

10 Ways to Boost eCommerce Sales Reviews

3: Photography:

The only thing your customer relies on is how the pictures of your product look virtually. There is no room for him to explore the quality other than through pictures. To boost your ecommerce sales, indulge in good photography that shows your customer that your products are good.

10 Ways to Boost eCommerce Sales Photography

4: Delivery:

These are the extended factors that go into making your sale. If the delivery option is not favorable to your customer, he will not buy the product. To boost your ecommerce sales, make the delivery period short and agree to deliver at the convenience of the customer.

10 Ways to Boost eCommerce Sales Delivery

5: Payment:

Another extended factor is the payment options that you offer to your customer. Allow multiple payment options to boost your sales like credit cards, debit cards, PayPal and so on.

10 Ways to Boost eCommerce Sales Delivery

6: Mobile Commerce:

A subset of ecommerce is mobile commerce, make your website mobile friendly to boost your ecommerce sales. Many of us spend more time on our phones than on our desktops.

10 Ways to Boost eCommerce Sales Mobile Commerce

7: Product Description:

It is not sufficient for one to advertise with photography alone, invest in high quality product descriptions. This will tell your customer all the specifications of your product like quality, quantity, material, ingredients and so on. It is essential to boost ecommerce sales

8: Segments:

Segment your e-commerce portal for appropriate categories. This will prevent boring a potential customer by making him scroll through unnecessary things. Include categories for best sales, newest as well.

9: Survey:

What is crucial to boost ecommerce sales is to sell what people want and to sell to people who want. Conduct a survey to know what is trending, the size of your potential market and make your sales and marketing decisions based on that.

10: Customer Satisfaction:

Last but not the least serve your customers well to boost ecommerce sales, sell the products you promised and on time. Creating post sales problems will ruin your image online.

10 Ways to Boost eCommerce Sales Customer Satisfaction

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Article Author Details

Bill Schroder

Bill Schroder is a Beirut-based correspondent for The World Beast. He has reported from over a dozen countries in the Middle East for such publications. Follow: Tweets by @SchroderBill