3 Pay Per Click Tips to Add Value to Your Google AdWords Campaign

Google now makes it much easy for business users to get started with AdWords. In almost all cases, it is much easier for the business marketers to choose the most appropriate keywords, write an ad copy, and also add the credit card info. For the reader to have a clear idea, now, about 80% of the ad revenue through search is now earned by Google. Given its reach and simplicity to use, establishing a successful AdWords campaign on Google is the smartest way for marketers to get your brand shining online. In this article, we are discussing some expert tips to yield best results through PPC campaigns.

Google AdWords Campaign

1. Choosing an apt bid strategy

At the first point, the bid strategy acts as the basement for your entire ad campaign on platforms like Google. Therefore, it should be chosen wisely. While approaching an AdWords campaign, you must start by defining the goals. These should be answers to the questions like:

  • Are you focused on increasing traffic to your website?
  • Is your objective to get the users to take some action on your website?
  • Whether your focus is to increase brand awareness?
  • Do you want to achieve all the above?

Google AdWords put forth a range of different bidding strategies to meet the needs of various types of users. Let’s explore some of the conversion-centric strategies.

  • CPA or cost per acquisition – CPA is meant for those who are looking to enhance their conversions. With this approach, one can plan their AdWords campaign around a set CPA.
  • ROAS or Return On Ad Spend – Focusing on boosting conversion rates, ROAS centers around a specific goal.
  • Maximizing conversion – The name itself explains the strategy. If you are focusing on gaining optimum conversions, then you can bid on this alone.
  • ECPC or Enhanced Cost Per Click – This can be considered as an optional feature, which can adjust your bids automatically to ensure as many conversions as possible.

Strategies which are impression-based

Search page targeting – This is an expert approach which focuses on an automated system which can set bids in order to get more value to your ads by displaying on top of standard search results.

Targeting on outranking – This also is an automated strategy, which will let you choose some domains which may help you outrank on SERPS. You may also provide how many times you may like to be displayed on top, and the AdWords will help you achieve it.

vCPM, i.e., Cost Per Thousands Viewable Impressions – This is a simple bidding strategy to place bids manually. If you have ads which are designed to increase brand awareness, but not for increasing traffic and clicks, then vCPM is an ideal approach. You may set the maximum fund at Siteimprove Pay Per Click which you can pay for milestones like 1000 impressions or so. If you are setting a goal for direct consumer responsive, then vCPM may not be an ideal strategy.

Strategies which are click-based

Click maximization – It is one of the easiest ways to bid for the number of clicks. You may set a daily budget for it, and then this automated system can manage the bids on its own based on the number of clicks to optimize it.

Manual CPC (Cost Per Click). This is another easy strategy which will let you manage the clicks easily and independently. You may select bids based on the customized needs of different ad groups in your campaign or by selecting some top keywords.

Interaction-based or view-based

You can make CPV (Cost Per View) bids, which is usually done for video ads. You can enter the top quote you would like to pay for a single view of doing any other form of interaction through video. You can think carefully and choose the appropriate bid strategy. If you later find your goals murky, it will become harder to identify the apt approach and see the apt results.

2. Showing your ads to the right audience at the right time

As any digital marketer may say, the whole game is about putting the right message across to the right audience and get them to take some favorable actions. Picking the right ad content and schedule comes down to you as to how effectively you can focus on the right audience. Do you need to know where they are located? Their behavior online? What time are they available, etc.? this is very easy for the B2B companies as most of their customers are active during business hours. For B2C marketers, this can be a bit difficult task to be handled by an expert.

For this, you need to schedule your efforts for 24/7 for which the initial cost may a bit higher, but over time, you can scale it down by understanding the right patterns. Once if you have effectively nailed down the optimal timings, then you can make some bid adjustments for making the campaigns more effective at certain timeframes.

3. Target your locations properly

Google AdWords is an intelligent system, which can decide when to show the particular ads based on the IP address of the users and the GPS location of those who are on their mobile devices. With these features, you can easily target your location easily. If you own a local brick-and-mortar shop or a cafeteria, then you may be largely benefited from it by targeting the prospective consumers in your city. If you are a national or international business, then you can broaden your target region to reach more. However, this can be a bit tricky as the user behavior, and culture may be different while considering the entire country. One need to do perfect market research to handle this challenge well. While you are focusing on strategies to choose the apt geographic locations, never be scared about taking additional risks to expand your area. You never know when and where you are going to discover a promising new market.

Along with the above three, you may also try to hone your skills in using effective targeting of various devices your potential consumers use, the game of bid adjustments on the go, optimization of bids to ensure top ad positions, using single-keyword ad groups, usage of dynamic keyword insertion to enhance your CTR, etc.

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Article Author Details

Eva Vergis

Eva Vergis is a notable and influential lifestyle writer. She is a mom of two and a successful homemaker. She loves to cook and create beautiful projects with her family. She writes informative and fun articles that her readers love and enjoy. You can directly connect with her on email id- lisa@lisaeclesworth.com or visit her website www.lisaeclesworth.com