5 Ways Flexible Employees May Have Better Attitudes

improve attitudes

It’s time to face the facts, driving to an office to work at a job that could just as easily and effectively be done from the comfort of home is probably not ideal for a majority of workers. A growing number of employers are realizing the benefits of offering their employees work-from-home options. This article will explore five areas where flexible workers have increased opportunities for improved attitudes.

  1. Productivity

The hybrid workplace is quickly becoming known as a productive landscape for employers to pursue. But productivity benefits more than just the bottomline, and savvy employers realize this and use it to the company’s advantage. Productive employees tend to be more satisfied, especially when their productivity is a result of a more relaxed and stress-free work experience. Productive employees tend to demonstrate higher levels of self-confidence, which leads to greater motivation and even makes for greater company loyalty. Confident employees are less stressed, higher performers, and loyal employees. A flexible employee may be more likely to take on extra tasks and have more to give back to the company in general.

  1. Better Self-Care

Employees allowed to work from home are able to take care of things during the day that they may not have taken care of otherwise, leading to a better work-life balance and therefore more satisfied employees. For instance, trading the morning commute out for a short jog or walk provides employees with an opportunity to fit in important daily exercise they may not otherwise have had. Being able to relax the morning routine, whether that means sleeping a little extra, getting some exercise, or taking time to eat a healthier breakfast, gives employees time to take better care of themselves. Also, throughout the workday, it can be easier for a flexible employee to take a break to go to a doctor appointment, cook a healthy meal, have a stretch break, or even walk the dog. All such activities lend to better work-life balance and improve the moods of employees.

  1. Less Stress

Workers who are less stressed out are also more productive, as stress has been shown to reduce productivity levels. But another added bonus is that employees who are more relaxed tend to get along better with colleagues and contribute more to teams. Also, a relaxed mind truly is a more creative mind, with studies showing that things like meditation and relaxation techniques notably improve creativity, especially possibly because of the effect those things have on mood.

  1. Employee Preferences

It’s important for every employer offering hybrid work options to realize that the importance of being able to work virtually anywhere may tie in notably to a generational difference, with generations like millennials being very likely to enjoy this option, while others may not like it as much. Home situations also contribute to how satisfying a remote work arrangement may be for an employee. Technological setup and company infrastructure for working remotely also impact the success of hybrid workers. It is important for employers to gauge these factors when deciding how many days each employee will work off site rather than onsite. This will most likely vary from person to person, and when the right balance is struck, happier employees should result.

  1. New Kinds of Togetherness

While it may seem that the in-person work dynamic provides an obvious opportunity for collaboration, remote workforces are experiencing a phenomenon of togetherness as well. Many remote employees are realizing they feel a connection to their colleagues knowing they are sharing virtual space with them. This is especially true when a strong top-down company culture is provided to employees that gives them a common vision and goal to work toward. The stronger a company can make a virtual workspace for employees to come together, both for work and for just engaging with each other in a friendly way, the better the hybrid worker experience and resulting attitudes will be.

While hybrid work is not an option for some workers who are required to perform tasks onsite, if employers take care to provide successful systems and infrastructure for flexible work, both they and their employees will reap rewards.

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Article Author Details

Kevin Gardner

Kevin Gardner loves writing about technology and the impact it has on our lives, especially within businesses.