Amazing Things Women Can Have to Cure Stress and Anxiety

Anxiety is a disorder that grips almost all of the people at some point in their lifetime. However, according to the National Institute of Mental, it is the womenfolk who are twice as likely to develop this condition. It is in fact a truth that diet plays a crucial role in shaping the overall health of a person. So, if women can change what is on their platter, they can definitely look forward to having a healthy mind and body. 

In this article, we will see what all foods women can consider adding in their diet for curing the problem of stress and anxiety. Though this change may demand a little bit of effort from you at first, the rewards you will reap after it shall leave you happy and healthy. 

Cure Stress and Anxiety

So, let us begin

  • Salmon Fish

One of the best foods for reducing anxiety, Salmon Fish is loaded with Vitamin D and Omega 3 fatty acids that promote excellent brain health. The Omega 3 fatty acids in it include EPA and DHA which regulates neurotransmitters like Dopamine and Serotonin, which have calming and relaxing properties. Consumption of adequate amounts of EPA and DHA helps in boosting the brain’s ability to better handle stressors that trigger anxiety symptoms.

Even a few servings of Salmon a week is enough to promote great anxiety relief. This fish is also loaded with high-quality protein that helps in boosting muscle mass and strength as well, 

  • Turmeric

The reason why Turmeric cures stress and anxiety is that it consists of a bioactive compound known as Curcumin, which is known for its brain healing properties. This is possibly due to the compound’s ability to boost the serotonin and dopamine levels in human beings. Several research has also suggested that Turmeric offers anti-inflammatory effects which help in preventing damage to brain cells. 

If you think you suffer from anxiety, incorporate turmeric into your diet and see the difference in a few days. 

  • Yoghurt

Several studies have shown that probiotic food like Yogurt promotes mental health and excellent brain functioning, as it inhibits free radicals and neurotoxins. These radicals and neurotoxins are the prime reasons why humans get anxious and fidgety most of the time. According to a small study performed by researchers from the UCLA School of Medicine, having Yogurt twice a day decreases activity in the area of the brain that controls pain and emotion. This is the main reason why you should incorporate Yogurt in your diet. 

It is also important to know that not all Yogurt consists of prebiotics and hence, one should choose a Yogurt which has live active cultures listed as an ingredient. 

  • Green Tea

Green Tea doesn’t just taste good but also offers a number of health benefits. This magic drink consists of  Theanine, an amino acid in Green Tea leaves which helps one relax and ward off all kinds of stress. 

It also consists of properties that increase your metabolic rate and burn fats within no time. It means if you can incorporate Green Tea with your workouts, it will help you lose weight fast.

Apart from calming your mind, Green Tea cleanses your body thoroughly and also boosts your immunity, owing to the presence of antioxidants. 

  • Dark Chocolate

One wouldn’t feel any discomfort in adding Dark Chocolates into their to-eat list. Eating Dark Chocolate helps in tackling a stress hormone called cortisol, which is a fight-or-flight hormone that gets triggered due to stress.

Several research suggests that Dark Chocolate’s role in brain health may be simply due to its taste, which is highly soothing for those with mood disorders. 

Another great benefit of dark chocolate is that they are great memory boosters. Eating it changes your brain wave frequency, providing benefits in memory improvement and stress reduction. 

  • Safe Euphoric Items

One should know that intoxicants are themselves not a problem though the main problems lie in their side-effects. This is why substances like cigarettes, alcohol, tobacco prove highly dangerous. People in today’s generation are trying out various substitutes in the place of above-mentioned substances to get blissed out, provided they are not that harmful. 

Vape Mods as alternatives prove great in place of the standard cigarettes as the former completely avoids the usage of tobacco. There are various e-liquids available for Vape Mods which apart from calming you out, also let you blow huge clouds. 


You have seen all the important things womenfolk can add to their lifestyle to beat stress and anxiety effectively. Before finishing, all those who are reading this should know that mind and body are not two different entities, but in fact a single unit. One influences the other in ways which are beyond our understanding. Hence, mental health is not something which should not be neglected at any cost.

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Article Author Details

Lynda Arbon