Apple Checks the Hitch in Music Deletion, Fix Will Be Provided in Future Updates

Recently, Apple accepted the problem in the music files of users. Apple checks the hitch in music deletion, fix will be provided in future updates. Here, we are discussing about the actual problem faced by users.

Apple Checks the Hitch in Music Deletion, Fix Will Be Provided in Future Updates

Apple Checks the Hitch in Music Deletion:

According to the company, there were very few complains about the deletion of music files. Many users complained about automatic deletion of their music files from iTunes. At the first, the company said that they are not sure why people are losing their files. Even now, Apple doesn’t know the reason behind it. But, they says that they will find the problem. They will update the application to remove the bug. Apple checks the hitch in music deletion, fix will be provided in future updates. So, Apple users just wait for upcoming updates.

Users were facing this problem since the application was launched in the past year. The company confirmed when the designer james pinkstone claimed about disappearance of data. That data contains 122 GB in it. The company representative checks into the matter and told him that his data was erased without his approval. This happened right after his sign up into his account.

Some customers claim that Apple is deleting their files without their permission. But the company denied. Now, they will provide a replacement for their glitch. The company says there were very few complains. Contrarily, there were a lot of users who complained about their data lost.

Apple will provide a new app with a few changes to fix the problem temporarily. It will be available for Apple users in few weeks. So, stay tuned for the new replacement for your music files. It is still not defined that the company will launch a minor or a major update in iTunes. If you are Apple users, and still not satisfied by the services. You may contact AppleCare and describe your problem directly to the company.

What Should You do?

Apple checks the hitch in music deletion. So, Apple users must wait until the update comes to their devices. You can avoid losing your data again. All you have to do is to stop mixing your data with cloud services such as Apple music. Create back up to keep your data safe.


The company has accepted and they are working on that bug. Apple checks the hitch in music deletion, fix will be provided in future updates. So, now the users need to relax because the company is trying to fix this problem. But, some users were really disappointed because of their lost data. This problem will be solved as soon as possible.

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Article Author Details

Bill Schroder

Bill Schroder is a Beirut-based correspondent for The World Beast. He has reported from over a dozen countries in the Middle East for such publications. Follow: Tweets by @SchroderBill