Essential Sectors: Services During Covid 19

There is no denying that people all over the world is slowly modifying their lives. The businesses are reopening in parts of the world. Rules of businesses have changed quite a bit. People are encouraged to keep social distancing. In the midst of this global pandemic, some of the sectors still are providing us with all the care and support. Read this article more to find out how they’ve been providing people with essential services in the time of such global crisis. 

COVID – Specialist

There are dedicated hospitals where they treat the patients during this pandemic. The doctors, nurses, janitors and everyone who walks into that building daily for work are true heroes. They are putting their lives at risk to save others. They at times do not have enough protective gears to save themselves from the dangerous virus, but they are doing the needful work. They have endured a massive workload. There is no vaccine available in the market yet for commoners, so their work is far from being done yet. They are still overworked. COVID-specialist doctors are the backbone of any country right now. 


While the world is dealing with the covid-19 virus, it must also be remembered that all the other diseases have not disappeared all of a sudden. People with prior record with diseases are fighting with various other ailments. There are patients who must be monitored on a daily basis. They require regular assistance. Also, there are people who might need sudden medical attention. There are sudden ailments that need special care such as hernia pain. Laparoscopic Hernia Surgery is one of the modern forms of surgery for a hernia. This process comprises lesser pain and the accuracy level is higher than other forms of surgery. 

Cleaning Staff

We may sing the praise of doctors and health care providers, and rightly so, but we should not forget the cleaning staff. They have tirelessly worked a day in and day out. Their contribution should be praised. We should also be thankful for maids who worked in our homes to sanitize surfaces. We must be thankful for the garbage cleaning services that ran during this lockdown. We should express gratitude to every single one of them who helped us live a cleaner life. If the cleaning process does not take place, we cannot fight this disease. 

Delivery Service

With one click you can order everything you need; from food to hand sanitizers, to toilet papers. Everything that you need can be delivered to your doorstep safely and securely. But People hardly think about the value of their work. You must learn to find ways to convey your gratitude towards the people who risk their own safety so that you can be safe at home. Maybe next time you’ll the boy who brings your medicine to your doorstep. 


There are some shops that are open and doing their duties. You can go inside, maintain social distancing and get you daily needed products. There are medicine shops too that are open twenty-four hours every day. 

The best way to face life challenges is with a smile.  There will always be hurdles in life. The goal is to show gratitude and be humble.

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Article Author Details

Sanath Pollemore

i m sanath pollemore love to write about travel and nature..