Five Fall Beauty Trends From the Rich and Famous That You Should Follow

Fall Beauty Trends

Putting your best face forward is a year-round affair, and everyone can use a little guidance on tips that help look their best, especially heading into the latter part of the year. From puffiness around the eyes to discoloration to fighting the signs of aging, each of us has our particular challenges when it comes to achieving maintaining beautiful skin as the weather changes. Many of our favorite celebrities depend on having beautiful skin to make a living. They’ve tried many different approaches for radiant faces that turn heads everywhere from the big screen to the red carpet. Here are the top 5 fall beauty trends for 2020.

Fall Beauty Trends

Exfoliant In Your Cup

Many of us require a fresh cup of coffee to get our day started on the right foot. Imagine supercharging your skin care routine with coffee grounds for exfoliation! Superstar actress Halle Berry reportedly adds coffee grounds to her body wash to help keep her skin smooth and glowing. Exfoliation is an essential part of a care reigmen wherein gentle friction either through a scrub or chemicals helps remove dead skin cells, revealing skin that is smoother and more even. While Halle uses the coffee grounds to help fight cellulite, the caffeine helps improve blood circulation. Coffee offers several benefits as a beauty treatment for skin as well as hair.

Superb Sun Protection

Fun in the sunshine is often a favorite pastime for the fall. The lower temperatures support extended time outdoors. Harmful ultraviolet rays from the sunlight can be an issue, even in the fall. Exposure to these rays can lead to premature aging and serious health conditions such as skin cancer. Most experts recommend wearing sunscreen with a minimum SPF of 30, and it’s not uncommon to find daily moisturizers with this level of protection. Recording artist Shakira understands the importance of skin protection and uses baby sunscreen products which are usually stronger than adult sunscreen products.

Even Skin Tone

Flawless skin is not something usually achieved by accident. A great beauty regimen includes the use of products that specifically work to maintain an even, natural-looking complexion. Many celebrities, from supermodels to entertainers use products to correct dark spots, age spots and other discolorations with powerful nutrients that help smooth skin and fight free radical damage. Check out Beverly Hills Dark Spot Corrector reviews online for example, to see how others are reversing the signs of aging with smoother, more even complexions.

Leggy Perfection

In many places, the fall provides several weeks of great weather, perfect for outfits that reveal legs and limbs. Actress Christina Hendricks gives her legs a smooth, airbrushed finish by using a bit of makeup foundation in her body lotion. When she’s rocking a skirt or short dress, she turns heads with ultra-smooth legs that look incredible and picture-perfect. This is an inexpensive tip that is easy to implement for both legs and arms. Consider using a setting spray to lock in your look and prevent color transfer to other surfaces, especially your clothing.

Moisturized Makeup Removal

Makeup has come a long way in design, often serving double duty for skin care and makeup. Still, at the end of the day, it’s recommended to remove any cosmetics as part of a nighttime regimen. Actress, Rachel Bilson uses Vaseline to gently remove makeup products. Vaseline and Vaseline-based lotion products contain intense moisturizers that are great for the skin, especially for overnight restoration. Look for a product that is free of dyes and fragrances to avoid irritation and stress.

Celebrities rely on having beautiful skin as part of their careers, so they pay extra special care for beauty products that help their faces look flawless and radiant. While you may not have access to expensive facial treatments, great skin care is accessible and affordable, as shown by some of the habits of people who have to look their best. As the weather changes, it’s important to stay on top of your personal care routine to live your best life the whole year.

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Article Author Details

Kevin Gardner

Kevin Gardner loves writing about technology and the impact it has on our lives, especially within businesses.