How Artificial Intelligence Is Changing the World

How Artificial Intelligence Is Changing the World

Artificial intelligence describes the ability of a machine to mimic the logic, learning, reasoning and perception of a human. Artificial intelligence, once considered a science fiction fantasy, has progressed to the point where it is becoming a part of everyday life.

What Is Artificial Intelligence?

Artificial intelligence is the use of computer hardware, such as chips for artificial intelligence, and software to replicate human thoughts and behaviors. Machines using AI technology can analyze environments and data, anticipate or solve problems, learn and adapt to many different tasks and situations. What sets AI apart from other types of computer programming is that the machine is not limited to following instructions. It can learn to perform tasks in a way not explicitly coded into its original programming. 

What Is AI Used for?

AI technology is often used to perform repetitive tasks so that humans can be freed up to do things that machines are not yet capable of. Machines with AI programming can learn from experience, make adjustments and replicate some human-like tasks, such as playing a game of chess or driving a car. These systems rely on deep learning and natural language processing. The goal of AI is to make it possible for computers to execute an intellectual task. Such as problem-solving, decision-making, understanding human communication, translating, and perception. 

How Is AI Changing People’s Daily Lives?

AI has changed the technology used in almost every industry. It affects activities from researching information on the internet to shopping for goods and services. Companies use AI technology to create chatbots that can answer questions and assist customers with a variety of common tasks. It also plays a vital role in the development of smart and self-driving cars. AI is an integral component of the Internet of Things, which encompasses the growing number of internet-connected devices that people rely on every day. Banking, healthcare, travel and logistics companies widely use AI to provide enhanced customer experiences. Popular voice assistants, such as Siri, Alexa, Cortana and Google’s Assistant all rely on AI technology. 

How Is Alexa Making AI Technology More Mainstream?

Amazon’s virtual assistant is currently the fastest learning assistant on the market. It is capable of controlling a variety of smart devices and can be used for home automation. AI uses data gathered from a user’s smart device usage to learn the user’s habits. It then uses this data to predict the user’s routines based on weather, time of day and other factors. Alexa has become so widely integrated into smart products that even many people who do not use the assistant own at least one Alexa-capable device.

What Is Machine Learning?

Machine learning is a use of artificial intelligence that makes it possible for systems to learn from their experiences without explicit programming. This technology allows computers to update built-in algorithms, make predictions and identify data. Machine learning has uses for lending, investments, fraud detection and organizing news. 

How Are AI Systems Advancing?

New artificially intelligent chatbots can learn from a person’s writing style, social media usage and interactions with the chatbot. This helps the chatbot interact with people naturally and conversationally. AI systems are also learning to understand and respond to human emotions. 

Hanson Robotic has been working on an advanced robot called Sophia. The framework used to power this robot has been used as a model for advanced robotics and AI research aimed at understanding human-robot interactions and developing more advanced entertainment and service applications. Sophia is capable of reproducing human behavior, including emotions. Its AI programming analyzes conversations and uses data extracted from those conversations to make future responses better and more natural. The more Sophia interacts with people, the better it gets at those interactions.

It is clear that as AI technology continues to advance, it will continue to have an increasingly large impact on how people live their lives. For good or bad, it seems that AI will play a large part in the future of humanity.

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Article Author Details

Kevin Gardner

Kevin Gardner loves writing about technology and the impact it has on our lives, especially within businesses.