How Does Invisalign Function?

Invisalign Function

To determine if Invisalign Tampa FL treatment is right for you, your dentist will need to measure the size and shape of your teeth. To do this, your doctor will use a soft putty and digital scanning technology called ClinCheck to create a 3D model of your teeth. This software will then create a 3D image of the area that needs to be corrected. The treatment time will vary depending on the product and the complexity of your case.


Attachments to Invisalign function are small, plastic pieces that are positioned on the teeth to help the aligners grip them better. Without the attachments, the Invisalign trays will not be able to move teeth that are very firmly anchored or very misaligned. Fortunately, these pieces are easily removable by brushing the surface of the tooth. These pieces are essential for patients with very stubborn teeth or complex tooth alignment problems.

Attachments to Invisalign function are made of a tooth-colored composite material that will not stain your teeth and blend in with your teeth. The front teeth may have more visible attachments, but they will be less noticeable than the metal brackets and wires of a traditional brace. These attachments are usually placed around the middle of the tooth, where they will anchor the aligner tray.

Rubber bands

If you’ve been looking for ways to make your Invisalign system more effective, you may want to consider using rubber bands. These bands are designed to apply extra pressure to your teeth and straighten your teeth, so they are a great option for complex cases. The rubber bands are typically worn for 22 hours a day and should be replaced as directed by your orthodontist.

When used in conjunction with an Invisalign system, these bands work to hook from the top back molar to the lower canines. While they may seem to be a hindrance at first, these bands should wear out over time and be no longer visible. Over time, the skin inside your mouth will thicken enough to hide the rough edges of the bands.


Aligners in Invisalign function by applying pressure to the tooth to move it into its correct position. The aligner program measures the angle between the teeth and the distance between them to determine the appropriate force needed to move them into the proper position. In a single set, the aligners can move the teeth up to 5 mm.

Most patients report that they do not feel pain while wearing the aligners or when they remove them. It is normal to experience some pain during the first few days, but this typically subsides over time. However, it is important to keep wearing your aligners for as long as prescribed. If you do not comply with the guidelines, your treatment will not be as effective as it could be.

Getting used to Invisalign

The Invisalign system has many benefits, including the fact that you can straighten your teeth without a dental exam. However, it is important to know that wearing the aligners will require some practice. It is also important to keep the aligners clean. You should clean them regularly and take them out at the end of the day. It is also important to keep them out of the reach of children.

You may experience discomfort while wearing your Invisalign aligners, but this should go away after a day or two. The aligners are meant to fit the unique contours of your mouth. If they are uncomfortable, use toothpaste that is designed for sensitive teeth.

Treatment time

The treatment time for Invisalign Tampa FL varies based on the severity of the crowding or spacing issue. Minor cases may take as little as six months, while moderate to severe cases may take up to eight or 18 months. More serious crowding cases may require an interproximal reduction, which is a surgical procedure that removes some enamel between the teeth. This procedure is painless.

During treatment, the aligners will move your teeth about 0.25 to 0.3 millimeters every two weeks. The dentist will take X-rays or take impressions to determine the exact movement needed. The dentist will use this information to create your customized aligners. The dentist will determine if attachments are necessary based on the type of movement you need.

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Gaurav Singh

Gaurav is a content marketing professional who loves to cover Tech blogs, AI trends, Chatbots, Machine Learning and people behind emerging technologies and innovation. I have a passion for the web and love to offer assistance and inspiration whenever possible through my words.