Indications for Rhinoplasty and Methods of Nose Surgery

Rhinoplasty is a separate area of ??plastic surgery that is aimed to correct nose defects. It helps to solve the problems with nasal breathing, correct the external consequences of injuries, and to improve the appearance according to aesthetic indications. Rhinoplasty can be a salvation for people who are dissatisfied with the shape of their nose. This is a surgical procedure that allows you to change the shape and position of your nose. In this article, we will tell you about indications for rhinoplasty and methods of nose surgery.

What are the indications for the procedure?

Rhinoplasty may be recommended if the person has aesthetic or medical indications for the procedure. Aesthetic indications mean that a person’s nose doesn’t require his or her parameters of beauty. Patients usually visit the nose surgeon to:

  • Perform hump ??removal
  • Change the shape or position of the nose tip 
  • Change the distance between the upper lip and nose
  • Change the size of the nostrils
  • Resize or reshape the nose
  • Align the nose
  • Eliminate the curve of the septum

Medical indications for rhinoplasty usually include:

  • Injuries
  • Burns
  • Fractures of the nasal bones
  • Frostbite

If the person has congenital problems with the nose, he or she may be referred to rhinoplasty when the anatomical structure causes difficulties with breathing. Therefore, timely treatment of the patient is very important. The presence of defects in the nose can be determined by the surgeon with the help of special measurements. 

Rhinoplasty for aesthetic purposes should be performed in only adults because the body should be fully formed. The most common contraindications to rhinoplasty are: 

  • Problems with the cardiovascular system, liver, and kidneys 
  • Diabetes
  • Mental disorders
  • Oncological diseases

It is also not recommended to perform surgery in people after the age of 40 because their ability to regenerate tissues is significantly reduced.

Methods of nose surgery

There is an open, closed and non-surgical method of rhinoplasty. The method of nose surgery is usually chosen during the consultation after a visual examination. The defining moment is the degree of deformation, the presence of breathing problems, and your personal preferences.

1. Open rhinoplasty

Open rhinoplasty involves performing an incision in the middle part of the nose, after which the surgeon detaches and rises remaining skin integuments above the cartilage. After the cartilage exposure, the surgeon resolves problems with the nose. Scars form in a year after open rhinoplasty and the stability of the result depends on them.

The method of open nose surgery gives free access to the septum, which can be adjusted in place or removed at first, after the removal of the deformity, returned and fixed to the bone with sutures. Open rhinoplasty makes it possible to change the internal and external valve that can cause breathing problems. This technique also improves the aesthetic appearance of the nose.

2. Closed rhinoplasty

Closed rhinoplasty means that cuts are made inside the nose and subsequently scarring scars are invisible. The main advantage of this type of rhinoplasty is that the arteries that provide blood supply to the tip of the nose are not damaged during the surgery. However, this technique has a huge disadvantage, the inaccuracy of surgical intervention. It is difficult to control each stage of the implementation that means that it could be quite hard to predict its effectiveness. Closed rhinoplasty requires a lot of skills. That’s why it is better to entrust it to an experienced nose surgeon who has more than one successfully performed closed surgeries.

3. Non-surgical method

Non-surgical rhinoplasty is performed without a single incision. However, this method can solve only small cosmetic flaws. Non-surgical rhinoplasty can smooth the sharp tip of the nose, the corners of the nose wings, or make the nose symmetrical.

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Article Author Details

Amelia Grant

I am Amelia Grant, journalist, and blogger. I think that information is a great force that is able to change people’s lives for the better. That is why I feel a strong intention to share useful and important things about health self-care, wellness and other advice that may be helpful for people.