6 Major Local SEO Ranking Factors You Need to Pay Attention

It’s the local SEO that is the most difficult for the vast majority. Local SEO is the need of an hour as search engines display the most relevant results to the users. Their goal is to list the most relevant and useful content for their users. A person residing in Las Vegas won’t be interested in finding a locksmith located in San Francisco. Therefore, many businesses have to adopt a local SEO strategy. If you run a local business, here are a few useful local SEO ranking factors.

local seo ranking factors

1: Use of Keywords

Keywords are necessary for developing a local SEO strategy. It’s a better approach to create a list of keywords for targeting. Take help from these keywords to develop a local SEO strategy for your business. Try to include long term keywords for ranking your business.

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Long term keywords help you target your business location. Most of the users search for their desired service along with the location. They would search for “best barber in California* rather than “best barber”. So, these long-term keywords narrow down the search results for the users.

2: Online Directories 

Online Directories such as Googly My business, Yelp and Apple maps help people find your business on the web. Make sure you have list your business on all major online directories. These directories also help search engines determine the value of your content. A few famous online directories are listed below

  • Yelp
  • TripAdvisor
  • Foursquare
  • Apple Maps
  • Citylocal 101
  • Citylocal Pro

3: Google My Business

Google my business is a kind of must-have thing for local SEO needs. It lets you add your physical address, live location, and other important business details. Therefore, it is necessary for multiple business SEO needs.

Only business owners could list their business on Google My Business. Once your business is listed on Google My Business, people would find it easy to locate you. Also, it will add value to your business. Optimize your local SEO with Google My Business. Its free, convenient, and easy to rank your local business.

4: Quality Backlinks 

How one can forget the importance of backlinks while discussing local SEO ranking factors. A Backlink is a backbone for optimizing the content on the web. The formula here is the same one, the more backlinks, the more chances of being ranked higher on search engines. Also, links help you generate better traffic resulting in better sales. Backlinks help Google judge the credibility of your business. It would consider your website as a trustworthy platform. If you are starting out new, you can also request famous bloggers and website owners to post your content. You can create backlinks by

  • Writing Quality Guest posts
  • Building Broken Links
  • Writing Testimonial Content

5: Positive Reviews Count 

According to Local SEO Search Inc, online reviews have their own importance for optimizing your local business. Ensure that your listed business has enough number of positive reviews posted on the web. These reviews will help search engines determine the value of your business. When people frequently post good stuff about your services, Google considers your business as a positive thing for the web community. The 5-star reviews could do wonder for your business.

These reviews not only help your rank higher but also helps other customers get an idea about your products and services. A good number of positive reviews will help your customers judge your services. An easy way to have a good number of online reviews is to request your customers to review your products or services. Share them the link where they could post a review. You have to make it easier for others to post positive comments regarding your business.

6: Enhanced User Experience 

Out of all the above-mentioned factors, the user experience is the most important and valuable factor. The way your users interact with your website says a lot about your business. Your goal should be to enforce people to stay on your website. You want them to spend some time roaming around your website. If you want to find out which of the listed factors are important for local SEO? here are some factors that help will help you improve your user’s experience.

-Low Bounce Rate

The bounce rate refers to the number of people who landed on your website and then went back immediately. The bounce rate has to be low if you want to engage your audience. Post relevant content, try to meet their search requirements

-Mobile-friendly web page

According to a study, more than 70% of the users search for a local business on their mobile devices. Therefore, it is important to optimize your website for mobile devices. Smartphone friendly websites are convenient to navigate.

Call to action use

If you run an E-commerce site, the use of the right call to action could do wonders for your business. Make sure you add relevant CTA (Call To Action) words in your content.

-Bounce Rate

Compared to the bounce rate, the landing rate is the amount of traffic your website achieves. It also includes the number of users who stayed at your web page for a while.

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Article Author Details

Sarah Michelle