Magento vs Shopify vs Woocommerce Top Review

The ease of doing business online has been utterly simplified by impressive e-commerce platforms. Today we are going be comparing and juxtaposing the top 3 platforms i.e Magento vs Shopify vs Woocommerce.

Reviewing Magento vs Shopify vs WooCommerce:

It is in the reader’s best interest to note that our summary has been written with no bias at all. We are simply here to relay our own personal experiences with each of the above mentioned e-commerce platforms for the sole purpose of enlightening our esteemed readers on the best course of actions.

Feel free to drop us a line and comment with your own unique experiences using Magento vs Shopify vs Woocommerce to make it easier for others in this particular niche to prosper.

Getting Started With Magento:

This particular e-merchant solution boasts a wide plethora of eye-catching features that have contributed to some even hailing it as the ultimate e-commerce solution for practically any business model out there.

Magento vs Shopify vs Woocommerce Top Review Magento

For starters, Magento is beloved for the fact that it is open source. In other words, this open-source features makes it possible for us to customize and configure the e-solution to be compatible with a wide range of system specifications.

Other outstanding features include:-

  1. Magento comes with no limit to the number of different products’ categories we could in cooperate unlike the case with most of the other solutions out here.
  2. The overall design is remarkably responsive to any devices and gadgets we, and our customers could be using to shop.
  3. Magento can also be quickly and easily integrated to work with WordPress which is a huge plus in so many ways for business owners.
  4. It readily accepts virtually all of the available payment.

Why Shopify Is Great For Newbies:

Magento vs Shopify vs Woocommerce Top Review Shopify

Shopify has not been left behind in the e-commerce battles. No, on the contrary, with a sizable following of close to 100K lives stores, this option has been bringing untold successes to businesses and still continues to impress due to the following outstanding features:-

  1. For one, the users of Shopify are not required to be trained in any programming languages to set up shop. The set up takes only a few minutes at most to install it and get cracking with their businesses.
  2. Save for the cheapest starter plan, the users of Shopify delight in the fact that the other plans offer an unlimited number of products categories.
  3. Shopify comes in an elegant design that is capable of handling most of the devices we have from mobiles, to PC’s and even on tablets as well.
  4. It comes fully compatible to all the major payment systems our customers may be using.

Stellar Features of WooCommerce:

Magento vs Shopify vs Woocommerce Top Review Woocommerce

Here are some of the intuitive features you will benefit from when using Woocommerce:-

  1. It is simple to install and get started with.
  2. It is as light weight as Magenta and it is also open-source.
  3. It has ultra-flexible shopping and shipping options contained in it’s equally super-responsive design themes.
  4. Using WordPress which can easily be integrated into these platform, SEO for your business becomes a sure walk in the park.

In conclusion, it is a really close contest for Magento vs Shopify vs Woocommerce. They are all great business solutions tools. All of them have their pros and their cons as well; it is entirely up to you to finally decide on which to go with depending on your unique circumstances.

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Article Author Details

Bill Schroder

Bill Schroder is a Beirut-based correspondent for The World Beast. He has reported from over a dozen countries in the Middle East for such publications. Follow: Tweets by @SchroderBill