You are probably familiar with this feeling of heaviness in your body and mind that never goes away no matter how much you rest and sleep. Many men feel overwhelmed and drained every day, especially because they lead busy lives. On most occasions, it is easy to point out why you are feeling tired; you probably had a long day or didn’t get adequate rest. But what if the fatigue persists and you always feel tired?

Symptoms of low energy include difficulty concentrating or brain fog, lack of motivation, and feeling sleepy during the day. If you are struggling with diminished energy levels, it is time to pay more attention to these causes of fatigue in men.

Low testosterone

Even if you have no other signs of hormonal imbalance, low testosterone can impact your energy levels. Testosterone is responsible for how you gain lean muscle mass, expend energy and maintain your body weight. When you have low testosterone levels, your body cannot unlock your energy and power, leaving you fatigued. Fatigue is one of the hallmark signs clinicians use to diagnose low testosterone.

Experts at The Y Factor, a men’s wellness facility, advise that you should also pay attention to other symptoms of low T if you suspect low testosterone levels are the cause of your fatigue. That includes a lower sex drive, low mood, erectile dysfunction, hot flushes, and difficulty gaining muscle. Luckily it is easy to treat with the right practitioner.

Thyroid disorders

The thyroid gland is responsible for hormone production that controls the body’s essential functions, such as metabolism. A condition known as hypothyroidism occurs when the thyroid gland doesn’t produce enough hormones to keep the body’s energy levels normal. 

Hypothyroidism causes fatigue, appetite changes, brain fog, weight gain, and cold intolerance. A blood test can diagnose the condition, and a hormonal health practitioner can provide a comprehensive treatment plan.

Depression, anxiety, and other mental disorders

Anxiety causes the mental load of worrying and the physical load of tense muscles leading to the restlessness of the mind and body. As a result, anxiety is the commonest cause of fatigue in many men.

Depression also reduces energy levels. For some men, the fatigue makes it difficult to accomplish daily tasks like before, while for others, simply getting out of bed and taking a shower becomes a problem.

Fatigue stemming from anxiety, depression, and other mental disorders doesn’t go away even after a long rest. In such a case visiting a doctor for evaluation is essential.

Lifestyle factors

Your lifestyle also impacts your energy levels. Eating a healthy diet, getting adequate sleep, and exercising regularly can maintain your energy levels regularly. However, these lifestyle factors may diminish your energy levels.

  • A poor work-life balance.
  • A poor diet.
  • Low sleep quality.
  • A less sleep duration.
  • Low physical activity.
  • High alcohol consumption.
  • The use of certain prescription and recreational drugs.

Thankfully, you can address these lifestyle factors with gradual behavior changes.

The takeaway

Medical and lifestyle factors may cause fatigue or low energy. If you experience unexplained fatigue, it is advisable to see a doctor to unravel the causes of your fatigue and address them. 


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Article Author Details

Mila Jones

Mila Jones is a farmer of words in the field of creativity. She is an experienced independent content writer with a demonstrated history of working in the writing and editing industry. She is a multi-niche content chef who loves cooking new things.