New Innovations To Watch in Veterinary Medicine

New Innovations To Watch in Veterinary Medicine

Veterinary medicine is constantly evolving into bigger and better things. With the help of technology and tools, veterinarians can accurately diagnose pets and create the best treatment plans. If you’re interested on what’s to come, read about the new innovations to watch in veterinary medicine.

Wearable Medical Devices

GPS trackers, motion sensors, and RFID sensors are among the wearable medical devices that animals can wear. Veterinarians can monitor the pet’s health and detect complications early. This innovation is becoming increasingly popular because it can gather a significant amount of data and have a profound impact on veterinary medicine. Veterinarians can quickly diagnose and create an accurate treatment plan for animals.

Biomarker Tools

Predictive biomarker tools are another innovation that’s making waves in veterinary medicine. These tools can predict the probability of disease onset or predict the spread of diseases (giving veterinarians time to manage health complications in animals). This also allows veterinarians to speak with pet owners and tell them what’s to come. For instance, if the biomarker tools predict diabetes or signs of a respiratory infection, people can plan for extra pet care.

New MRI Technology

MRI technology allows neuroscientists to analyze the brain. Fortunately, MRI technology can apply to animals, as veterinarians can assess their patient’s scans and tests. New advancements allow veterinarians to scan soft tissue before surgery and search for “danger” areas that can affect the animal during the procedure. Therefore, veterinarians should invest in MRI technology to reduce the chances of things going wrong during surgery. In addition, investing in new equipment is one way to set your veterinary practice apart with technology.

3D Printing

3D printing is a phenomenon that made drastic improvements in all sectors of medical care, including veterinary medicine. It’s helpful in surgical procedures and aids in making prosthetics for animals. Using 3D technology, veterinarians can:

  • Develop animal bone models
  • Design custom prosthetics
  • Educate pet owners on their pet’s anatomy
  • Create orthopedic implants

The future of veterinary medicine is bright! With evolving technology and medical practices, veterinarians can help many animals. After reading about the new innovations to watch in veterinary medicine, we hope you’re excited about these new things!

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Article Author Details

Bill Schroder

Bill Schroder is a Beirut-based correspondent for The World Beast. He has reported from over a dozen countries in the Middle East for such publications. Follow: Tweets by @SchroderBill