How to Take Care of Your Pets During Covid-19

Pet care Tips – The novel Coronavirus pandemic has adversely affected people’s daily lifestyle globally, and a majority of us are now in isolation. We know how much they truly mean to us in this lockdown and we are lucky enough to have a pet right now at home. In these desperate times, pets never fail us to shower their unconditional love and help us beat our sadness and boredom.

At the earlier stages of COVID 19, the virus was infecting humans only, though on a massive scale. But as the cases began to surge, the virus began infecting the animals too.

Pet care tips

Even though the numbers were limited, the virus showed that it could easily infect animals like cats and dogs. Though many infected dogs did not show any physical illness symptoms, a large number of cats began showing respiratory and breathing problems. All of these positive tested cats had exposure to humans with COVID 19.

In this article, we will discuss some effective methods to keep your pets safe during this pandemic crisis. These tips go a long way in protecting them as well as you from the virus. So, let us get started,

Engage in Playing Sessions

Most pets get bored when they are not allowed to stroll outside. It is because cats and dogs have an innate desire to explore things. For keeping them mentally stimulated during this lockdown period, you can try engaging in playing sessions with them. Even short strolls outside for a short period can be helpful. Short obstacle courses and games are also useful in fulfilling their daily exercise requirements.

Have a Proper Contingency Plan

Most of the vet consultations are now operating extensively online for resolving the queries of pet owners. These kinds of services avoid the need for travelling and instead have a vet visit your home to address your pet’s health concern. You don’t need to worry as pet foods, and health care products come under essential services.

Missing out on your pet vaccinations is not an option. You should know that vaccines protect your pet from highly contagious diseases and improve your pet’s general wellness.

Maintain Excellent Hygiene

As we all have scaled up the hygiene measures, we should do the same with our pets too. As mentioned above, the animals are not immune to the virus, and hence there is no room for any complacency. Firstly, please wash your hands after you touch your pet and when you are done with their grooming. Secondly, clean their paws and coat with a wet cloth after you have come back home after a stroll. Third, their eating and drinking bowl should be cleaned regularly and serve them freshwater/food.

Leave no stone unturned when it comes to your pet’s immunity during these difficult times.

Give Them Good Nutrition

Like all of us, it is also essential for pets to have a strong immunity for tackling the COVID 19. For that, they ought to have good nutrition at this point in time. There are various human foods that are ideal for dogs to eat and digest. If you have a cat, they too can be given human foods like eggs and fishes. If you are buying pet foods from outside, make sure you buy in bulk so that it can serve your pets for at least 1-2 months. It will avoid the hassle of going out time and again, reducing the chances of infection t as well.

Also, ensure that you give your pets their food at their usual mealtime. Keep a bowl of water, too, as it will help them to stay hydrated.

Create a Schedule for Your Pet

Many pets, just like us, find it comfortable to stay in a proper routine. As many of us have our schedules disrupted, it is essential now to create new rituals and habits to help give our pets a much-needed structure. Your pet may initially find it difficult to adapt to the change, but you can help them ace these little challenges effectively with much love and care.

As most likely you will be at home, spare a few moments with your pets so that they don’t feel.

Quarantine Yourself if Tested Positive

Last but not least, you should immediately quarantine yourself if you have tested positive for Covid 19. Avoid going near your pets even if you feel you have the slightest of the virus’s symptoms. If you can’t find anyone else to feed your pets, then you may continue providing them by yourself, but by limiting the contact as much as possible. As suggested before, you should religiously follow the ritual of washing hands every time after you have touched the pet.

Although the rate at which the infection spreads through humans to animals is still unclear, the margin for error should be extremely low.

All in All,

Pets are known for their unconditional love, and they show their affection to us no matter what the situation is. So it becomes our duty to preserve their health and wellness. The tips given above shall help you tremendously prevent the risk of COVID 19 from your pets and keep them cheerful during this crisis.

Also, you can consider giving shelter to the poor stray dogs outside that are struggling to survive. It shall be a great help for them as they are among those animals who are worst hit during this pandemic.

It is true that until one has loved an animal, a part of him remains unawakened.

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Article Author Details

Naval Kishor

Naval Kishor is Associate Consultant, has 3 years+ experience in the domain of digital marketing. He shares his insights, opinions and ideas through diverse digital platforms like websites, social media and forums. His writings focus on cutting-edge technologies and latest trends and topics like digital marketing, technology, health, lifestyle, travel and many more.