Peter Thiel Funded Hulk Hogan Against Gawker Media

Peter Thiel and Hulk Hogan, both are very famous and popular around the world. Peter Thiel funded Hulk Hogan against Gawker media. Here are the details about this news:

Peter Thiel Funded Hulk Hogan Against Gawker Media

Peter Thiel Funded Hulk Hogan Against Gawker Media:

One of the billionaire of the Silicon Valley Peter Thiel is funding Hulk Hogan. But he is funding him so he can take his revenge from the Gawker Media. The main reason behind this funding is a secret ware between Peter Thiel and this media organization. According to Peter Thiel, this media organization called him a gay few years back. So, now Peter Thiel funded Hulk Hogan against Gawker media.

The story starts back in 2007, when Gawker media organization published an article in which they said that Peter Thiel is a gay. They also published a number of other articles in which they took down Peter Thiel and many of his friends. Peter Thiel addressed these publications as they have ruined many people’s lives for no decent reason.

He wanted to take his revenge so badly. For this reason, he hired many lawyers in order to support and help the victims of Gawker media organization. Somehow, we can say that he is successful in his revenge. On the other hand, the billionaire said in an interview that this is not about his revenge. But, it is all about the Gawker’s agenda of getting people’s attention by publishing offensive news.

He also said that those publications were very painful to bear. Moreover, it was very difficult to ignore them. They targeted people for no reasonable cause. It was totally worthless to publish such offensive news about someone. Just because of this reason he finds it worthy to fight back with the Gawker media. Peter Thiel funded Hulk Hogan against Gawker media.

Peter Thiel is a very powerful person. He also has shares in Facebook. He is a board member of this social media website. In addition to that, Peter Thiel is supporting hundreds of other people also. Not against Gawker media only, but he is also serving people financially so they could run their own businesses.


The news Peter Thiel funded Hulk Hogan against Gawker media has a long story behind it. The billionaire is taking his revenge against some offensive news published about him. Now, he finds it worthy to take his revenge. On the other hand, he also supported many other people so that they can become stable in their lives. He hired many popular lawyers to take down the company. He is totally taking his revenge. Somehow, he is successful as everyone knows the real face of organization.

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Article Author Details

Bill Schroder

Bill Schroder is a Beirut-based correspondent for The World Beast. He has reported from over a dozen countries in the Middle East for such publications. Follow: Tweets by @SchroderBill