Some of the Different Uses for Steam Turbines

Some of the Different Uses for Steam Turbines

Inventor Charles Parsons created the modern steam turbine in the late 1800s. This invention changed the way industries generate power. By transforming thermal energy into mechanical motion, facilities can produce energy to run their operations.

Unless you’re part of the industrial sector, you might be unfamiliar with this revolutionary piece of technology. Steam turbines have many different uses that benefit businesses across all industries. Discover their applications and gain a deeper understanding of these machines.

Running Power Plants

Power generation is the most common application for steam turbines. Power plants use these machines to support other energy-producing equipment like combustion turbines. In fact, most electrical plants in the United States rely on steam turbines to provide electricity.

Over the years, professionals have developed ways to maximize steam turbine efficiency. This effort results in lower costs, greater sustainability, and more reliable electrical power. From households to enterprises, steam turbines play an essential role in modern society.

Powering Equipment

Steam turbines also provide power on a smaller scale. Professionals can use steam energy to run various pieces of industrial equipment. This is an efficient way to power heavy machinery in many different fields.

People use steam turbines to power air compressors, water pumps, refrigerator chillers, and more. Technicians who work with these appliances prefer steam turbines because they are more reliable and efficient than electricity. They even work to power airplanes, commercial ships, and various military applications.

Heating and Cooling

One of the many different uses for steam turbines includes heating and cooling buildings. Steam turbines work with boilers to generate heat. Because pressure levels need to be specific, steam turbines are perfect for creating balance.

District energy is responsible for heating and cooling buildings in cities across the world. They do this with the help of steam turbines and other essential machinery. Through a complex network of under and overground pipes, steam turbines circulate hot steam for various purposes.

Even though Charles Parsons is the father of the modern steam turbine, historians have traced the concept back to ancient Egypt. Over the centuries, intelligent minds have paved the way for Parsons to perfect the machine that many industries rely on. Without steam turbines, we would have the industrial capabilities society benefits from today.

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Article Author Details

Bill Schroder

Bill Schroder is a Beirut-based correspondent for The World Beast. He has reported from over a dozen countries in the Middle East for such publications. Follow: Tweets by @SchroderBill