The Global Warming Guide: How to Offset Our Shared Burden

Global Warming

Global warming is not something distant in time or remote in space. It is every bit here and now affecting you and your loved ones. The woe touches everything, from our personal health and community well-being to the economic growth of our society and the continued survival of the ecosystem. So, let’s unpack it immediately before the problem engulfs us all.

For starters, there are daily steps you can take, both small and large, that cost you very little but pay off really well to secure our only planet and your kids’ future. We’ll look at the scope for renewable energy, natural heating & cooling, smarter travel planning, and other bolder options in this regard. They each add up to reduce your carbon footprint.

Renew first

It all starts here. Switch to smarter, eco-friendly grids to power your home. Also, install a solar panel if you haven’t already. Besides, consider wind options if you can. Also, get in touch with your utility provider and read their monthly statements to come up with more options for switching to renewables. It’s not necessarily about living cheap by always saving electricity.

Together, the above changes also add up really well to slash your electric bills over time. Solar options have outstanding returns on your investment and can cover your upfront costs in as little as two years. You’ll notice a difference in the quality of your home and well-being. And you’ll have a more sophisticated house as well as increased peace of mind.

Naturalize next

It’s no surprise that heating and cooling are among the biggest uses of energy. Actually, air-conditioning and heating make up half of all home energy usage. So, consider switching to more natural sources for these needs. Sealing drafts and proper insulation can help, as well as harnessing a natural geyser or improved room ventilation. Be wise, and you’re halfway to the solution already.

You can further bolster the above efforts by upgrading your home appliances and reducing your water waste. Switch to LED light bulbs and watch out for the energy ratings when buying new gadgets. Also, it takes a lot of energy to pump and treat your water, apart from heating/cooling it. So, cut down on that during showers and while brushing your teeth.

Travel smarter

If you switch to smarter cars, such as electric and hybrid options, you’ll naturally save more energy. But you’ll also save more money and appear trendy. So, work right there until you turn the trend into the norm. Or at least consider the fuel, mileage, and performance ratings when buying your next vehicle. There’s a ton of information in there and impact.

Lean towards smart cities that have state-of-the-art public transportation and are pedestrian-friendly. Don’t drive when you can walk. Also, don’t fly too frequently or over short distances, and buy some carbon offsets if you have to, anyway. And don’t neglect regular maintenance of your vehicles and rides for smooth and energy-efficient performance. You’ll save some money and headaches as a side benefit.

Eat wiser: More sources of global warming

Most of the price of food comes from storage & transport. So, consider wasting less. And practice smart disposal or composting of the leftovers. Also, don’t ignore that meat is no small polluter compared to fossil fuels. So, switch to plant-based or at least minimise the intake of factory-farmed flesh. And you’ll win plenty of health and morality points on the side, too.

Recycle better: More perks of solving the problem

As for smart compost options, they have other benefits, too. They recycle nutrients while improving soil quality and mitigating drought impact. What not to love? Now add a touch-up by reducing consumption wherever possible, reusing old products as much as possible, and buying recyclable ones in the first place, such as disposable plastics. By all means, avoid single-use plastic, at least.

Other considerations (though far from ‘other’)

Speak up: We live in an age of nearly infinite leverage. Make it count. Voice your concerns on social media, or appeal to those you vote for. Help enact laws that disincentivize emissions preserve forest reserves, and cut illegal business practices. Also, be intransigent about your favourite ideas, as the effect ripples through your family & community, all the way to government & society.

Technology: This may appear last on this list and many others as well. But it could be the most important of all. Help build, fund, or vote for technologies that seem futuristic but suited to solving the problem. These may include various geoengineering schemes and using more advanced supercomputers. Even if only one succeeded, it could reverse global warming by working alone.

Global Warming: Its Day of Judgement

As we see, global warming is not an unbeatable monster and neither a profound mystery. There are baby steps we can all take every day to get meaningful results on the problem. And if you’re feeling more ambitious, there are, of course, bolder lifestyle changes & technological/societal reforms to invest in. Just be a little willing each day, and victory will be ours.

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Article Author Details

Mila Jones

Mila Jones is a Senior Business Consultant, with rich experience in the domains of technology consulting and strategy, she works with both established technology brands and market entrants to offer research inputs and insights on leveraging technology as a source of strategic competitive advantage. She is a prolific author and shares her expertise with tech enthusiasts on popular digital publishing platforms. She loves not only to write about several topics but also loves to explore new ideas about Lifestyle, Travel blogs and many more.