The Process of Getting Your Concealed Carry License

The Process of Getting Your Concealed Carry License

If you’re thinking about getting your concealed carry license, you first need to learn the step-by-step process to get a better idea of what’s to come. Concealed carry laws are regulated on a state level, and therefore the rules can differ in each state. Check in with your state regulations and become familiar with how to legally own a gun in your state.

Firearm Training

Step one is taking a class on handling firearms. The training class is one day long in most states, but it could also take an entire weekend. These courses are especially helpful for first-time gun-owners, teaching you basic gun handling skills, firearm safety, and eye and ear protection. If you already know how to handle a gun, you must still attend the training and prove that you know your skills.

Take an Exam

After the class, you can expect a written exam and, in some states, a live-fire qualification shoot. Having a complete understanding of basic firearm safety ensures you can adequately handle a firearm by yourself.

Apply for License

Once you pass your exam, you can apply for your license. Fill out the paperwork at the state agency website and provide forms of identification. The agency may perform a background check and fingerprinting to ensure you don’t have anything on your record that could prevent you from getting a concealed carry license.

Now that you’ve applied, the wait to receive your license in the mail could be a few days to a few weeks, depending on your state’s processes. Once you receive the permit, you must carry it on you whenever you go out in public with your weapon.

Refresh Your Training

A concealed carry license can expire, and you may need to pay another fee to renew yours. Furthermore, keep up with any new safety procedures and continually educate yourself on proper gun handling. Above that, invest in a gun safe so that unauthorized individuals cannot get to your weapon.

The process of getting your concealed carry license is not complex; it only takes a few steps. Still, choosing to obtain your license is a big decision that requires a lot of thought and the ability to handle your weapon properly. Always follow your state regulations and pay close attention to the details, as not every state has the same laws.

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Article Author Details

Bill Schroder

Bill Schroder is a Beirut-based correspondent for The World Beast. He has reported from over a dozen countries in the Middle East for such publications. Follow: Tweets by @SchroderBill