Tips for Keeping your Home Pest Free

pest free

Pests such as rodents, spiders, cockroaches, and ants can easily enter homes and cause lots of damage. They can not only spread diseases but cause other damages as well. It is advisable to take care of these pests as soon as possible before they cause big problems. Also, once their population increases in your house, it will become difficult to get rid of them. The best way is to deal with the source of the problem to prevent any further pest infestation. If you know how to deal with pests infesting your place, you won’t have to run to professional pest control companies every time. Here is how you can keep your place pest free in the most effective way.

1. Repair Leakages

The majority of the pests seek moist, dark places at home because their main source of living is water and food. So, if you have a lot of pest activities going around your house, check for wet walls or plumbing issues. Kitchen sinks and bathroom faucets can be the hot zones for such leakages; hence get them repaired immediately. Avoid standing water around the house because mosquitoes thrive in standing water.

2. Store Essential Oils

If you want to adopt a natural way of eliminating pests from your house, pest control services recommend that the use of essential oils can be very effective. These oils have a very strong odor which repels the insects. To repel insects like mosquitoes, flies, fleas, and ants, the most commonly used essential oils are:

  • Lemongrass
  • Lavender
  • Tea tree
  • Eucalyptus
  • Peppermint

Mix at least 25 drops of any of these oils with rubbing alcohol or water. Add the mixture to a spray bottle and spray throughout your home.

3. Take out the Trash from Garbage Cans

Pests are commonly attracted to food scraps. If you normally have leftover food, pests like rodents will be attracted to it and make their nests nearby. That’s why it’s important to keep garbage cans empty and as clean as possible to prevent pests. If you notice signs of pests in your garden, it is important to call pest control services immediately before the pests can enter your home.

 4. Keep the Kitchen Clean

The majority of the pest activity inside your house will revolve around your kitchen because of food supplies. If your kitchen is dirty, it will easily become the home of pests like snails, moths, and cockroaches. In addition, it will attract bigger pests such as rodents. Close the door tightly to prevent access to the uncovered food items. Empty the kitchen waste baskets and make sure to keep them covered during the day. Make kitchen cleaning an important part of your daily routine. A clean kitchen will repel the pests, who will then look for other places to get food supplies.

5. Sealing Holes and Cracks

Regularly maintain the house by sealing the holes and cracks. Make sure that there aren’t any gaps between the walls of your house, especially the ones which face the garden. Even the smaller cracks can become the entry points of various insects like termites, and they will also prefer making their homes in them. Hire professional pest control services to seal the gaps around electrical pipes, ducts, or exhausts.

6. Clean Your Garden Regularly

A clean garden prevents the entry of pests. Garden cleaning and maintenance should be a regular part of your routine. Make sure to trim the grass on time to eliminate the hiding places for the insects. Furthermore, you should avoid over-fertilization, as hard turf can provide an ideal moist environment for insects to breed. If there are fruit plants in the garden, remove fallen fruit before it rots and attracts insects.

7. Properly Store Pet Food

Pet food is another source pests are attracted to, so keep it indoors or upstairs when the pet is not eating. Pets come very handy in tackling pests sometimes, but keeping the food away from pests is better for your pet’s health.

8. Use Insect Repellent

Even if you focus a lot on taking care of your home, mosquitoes can still infest it. A repellent ensures to keep your home clean and free of pests. Spread the repellent around your yard and get great results. Consider planting rosemary, lavender, basil, and lemongrass.

9. Clean the Pool Regularly

If you have a swimming pool that hasn’t been cleaned for a while, consider removing algae from it. Cleaning the pool will minimize the microbiological activity around the house, thereby repelling certain pests. To clean the water, use hydrogen peroxide, so it doesn’t become home to pests.

By following the simple ways shared above, you can get rid of pests in your house and enjoy a pest-free environment. Make sure to deal with the problem as soon as possible and avoid big problems.

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Article Author Details

John Carter