Alternatives To Abortion When Dealing With an Unplanned Pregnancy

Unplanned Pregnancy Alternatives to Abortion – Even a planned pregnancy can bring some conflicting emotions along with it, so experiencing an unplanned pregnancy can make your conflicting emotions all the more intense. Discovering that you’ve become pregnant unexpectedly can be frightening, and could leave you feeling overwhelmed, lonely and unsure what to do next. That doesn’t mean, though, that you don’t have options. If you’re looking to get a better understanding of what your options are, other than abortion, here are a few things to consider.

unplanned pregnancy abortion


One of the most common options for those that want to choose life, but also know that they will be unable to raise their unborn child, is adoption. With adoption, you may still have to deal with difficult feelings like grief and loss, knowing that you will have to give your baby up. However, with an open adoption, it can still be possible to keep in contact with your child and maintain a relationship. Also, unlike abortion, you are not under pressure to make a permanent decision within a limited time frame, and can change your mind at any point throughout the pregnancy. Another positive thing about choosing adoption and contacting an adoption agency could greatly affect your life. This decision could make a big difference to a family who is looking to adopt. 

Temporary Guardianship

Sometimes, if you know that you won’t be able to care for your child right away, but aren’t quite sure that you want to put them up for adoption, trying out a temporary guardianship is an alternative. A temporary guardianship can be a good move when you believe that your situation will improve in the near future. Once you will be able to properly care for your child once you are on your feet. Those that go with this option tend to have a family member, close friend, or other trusted person act as temporary guardian for them.

Placement With a Family Member

If you aren’t sure that you want to put your child up for adoption, but don’t think that you will be able to turn your situation around any time soon, placing your child with a family member can be an appropriate option. This way, you can know that your child is being taken care of, and you can still be able to keep in contact with them. However, there are some things that should be considered before choosing this option. One is that it is important to consider the stability of your relationship with the family member they will be placed with, as a contentious relationship could result in a complication down the road. Also, it can be important to remember that having a family member become the legal guardian of your child may change your relationship with them.

Becoming a Single Parent

Some women may choose abortion simply because they do not believe that they can raise a child on their own. However, an increasing amount of women seem to be choosing this path. Although being a single parent does come with challenges, it is common, and not impossible to do. Additionally, there are an increasing amount of groups and institutions that aid and support single parents. One way to help make a transition into single parenthood easier is by making sure that you have a strong support system, as well as by taking some time to plan for your future as a single parent. 

A Final Word

An unexpected pregnancy can cause lots of conflicting emotions, as well as uncertainty about what your next step should be. It can leave you feeling confused and alone. That doesn’t mean, though, that you don’t have options.

If you find yourself unsure what to do after learning about an unplanned pregnancy, it can be helpful to remember that you aren’t alone. Not only that, but there are many options at your disposal, and that it can be possible to make the right decision for you. 

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Article Author Details

Kevin Gardner

Kevin Gardner loves writing about technology and the impact it has on our lives, especially within businesses.