What is Virgin Coconut Oil and How is it Different from The Regular Coconut Oil

What is Virgin Coconut Oil and how is it different from the regular Coconut Oil


A whole range of products is offered to the customers by different supermarkets and shops around the world. An item available in the supermarket has a variety of 15 different choices you can pick from. This product can be anything like food, dairy products, make-up products, oil, etc. You being a customer can choose from these numerous options laid out in the market for you. This has an advantage to the customers that they can pick out the item that is best suited for them. But there is a slight disadvantage that they can be confused among the multiple choices as well.

Extra Virgin coconut oil and regular coconut oil might sound like the same thing and confuse your mind but in reality, they are wholly different. People get confused among them while purchasing. Also, most of us are not knowledgeable about the two specific kinds of coconut oils and the differences between them. Although they have the same looks and might sound like the same thing, they are way different once you get to know the reasons. Here, in this blog, we will discuss the difference between extra virgin coconut oil and regular coconut oil among other descriptions.

What is virgin coconut oil?

Virgin coconut oil has the qualities of preserving the virtuousness of the coconut milk and it does not interfere or affect it during the healing process that is undergone by the regular coconut oil. This particular activity is possible only because of cold-processed technology. This cold-processed technology puts an end to the heating elements that are needed during the extraction process of coconut milk. This also makes sure that it remains intact with its natural calamities.

Differences between virgin coconut oil and regular coconut oil:

As we have mentioned before, virgin coconut oil and regular coconut oil are poles apart even if they sound and look similar. Here, we have mentioned the pointers in the following that prove the difference between virgin coconut oil and regular coconut oil.

1. Extraction method:

Regular coconut oil is produced through the coconut kernel that is dried known as the ‘copra.’ When you press this copra, you will get the extracted refined oil. This extracted oil is discolored and bleached. This process is best for consumption but in the end, it exterminates the naturalness of the output.

In the case of virgin coconut oil, it is extracted from the fresh coconut milk that has been extracted through the cold-processed method. The cold-processed method keeps the aroma, antioxidants, and natural calamities of the oil after the method.

2. Composition:

Both virgin coconut oil and regular coconut oil contain the same energy content. In the case of regular coconut oil it is hydrogenated and contains a portion of trans-fat. On the other hand, virgin coconut oil has a richness of medium-chain fatty acids. It also contains high cholesterol. Because of having good cholesterol, it provides avoidable portions of fatty acids.

3. Appearance:

As we have mentioned before, virgin coconut oil and regular coconut oil are poles apart even if they sound and look similar but the regular coconut oil has a visible color. Although, you will find that the virgin coconut oil is not greasy and the viscosity in it is pretty light.

4. Purity:

You will also find that organic extra virgin coconut oil has a special aroma and taste as it is extracted from fresh coconut milk in comparison to regular coconut oil. Because of its extraction from coconut milk, it contains a delectable tropical aroma and taste. On the other hand, regular coconut oil is included with an artificial aroma and taste.

Benefits of virgin coconut oil:

  1. Since virgin coconut oil has richness in lauric acid, it decreases bad cholesterol and increases good cholesterol in your heart.
  2. Virgin coconut oil provides nourishment and moisturization to your scalp by repairing the damages and effective proteins resulting in radiance and natural shine.
  3. The thyroid and endocrine system function smoothly with virgin coconut oil increasing your metabolic rate resulting in weight loss.
  4. It acts as an efficient sunscreen and moisturizes your skin because of its abundance of Vitamin E.

Benefits of regular coconut oil:

  1. Regular coconut oil has an abundance of healthy fatty acids.
  2. You might have the effects of antimicrobial in regular coconut oil.
  3. It can also help to decrease abdominal fat.
  4. Regular coconut oil has the possibility of reducing seizures and hunger.
  5. It also has a chance of healthy functioning of the brain in cases of Alzheimer’s disease.


With that, we have concluded this article. Well, both the oils have their advantages and it is up to you on choosing the right one according to your health type. There will be definite confusion on the benefits but they depend on you solely.

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Article Author Details

Josh Argenton

Josh Argenton is a well-known blogger who has been writing for the last several years. He has written blogs and articles on a wide range of topics including technology, health & beauty, sports, business, food, entertainment, home improvements and much more. His artistic background nurtures him in developing creative writing skills.