5 Key Benefits of Professional Teeth Cleaning


Have you noticed signs of tartar build-up on your teeth? Besides affecting the look of one’s smile, tartar is capable of triggering tooth decay, gum disease, and other serious dental issues. Unless treated timely, these mineralized plaque deposits have the potential to gradually wear teeth down.

Despite practicing good oral hygiene, most individuals notice symptoms of plaque, tooth discoloration, and bad breath. Such issues can be prevented and treated with a professional dental cleaning, usually performed by dental hygienists. The procedure is pain-free, non-invasive, and highly effective. It prevents cavities, gum disease, and halitosis while boosting confidence.

Key Benefits of Teeth Cleaning

Learn more about the benefits of professional teeth cleaning in detail.

Prevention of cavities

Even though brushing and flossing are essential for optimal oral health, professional dental cleaning is indispensable when it comes to reaching every single corner inside the mouth. Dental tools assist hygienists in removing food particles and bacteria in the most inaccessible places, which is not the same when practicing oral hygiene at home. Go to this page to learn eleven ways of maintaining good oral health.

Moreover, the thorough nature of professional teeth cleaning assists in the prevention of cavities. It is common for oral bacteria to form plaque, referring to the sticky layer of microorganisms forming on the enamel. The longer plaque is left untreated, the higher the risk of hardening and turning into tartar (calculus). Keep in mind that oral bacteria gradually wear the enamel down and results in caries.

Regardless of how good your oral hygiene is, there is no way for individuals to entirely remove plaque, hence running the risk of plaque transforming into tartar. Calculus, however, cannot be removed at home by brushing or flossing your teeth. Dental hygienists use special tools designed for tartar removal, enabling fast and painless elimination of this enemy.


Painless treatment

Another benefit of scheduling a professional dental cleaning appointment is the painless nature of the treatment. This treatment is probably the least painful and invasive when compared to the other dental procedures, requiring no anesthetic for patients to feel comfortable.

Furthermore, the treatment commences with a physical exam of the oral cavity in search of symptoms of gingivitis. Hygienists use a tiny mirror and a scaler to eliminate tartar build-up between the teeth and nearby the gum line. In order to get a good teeth cleaning, make sure the procedure is performed by a licensed dental hygienist. Licensed professionals are proficient at using scalers for removing every single trace of tartar inside oral cavities.

Once the process of scraping tartar is done, hygienists move to brushing the teeth of patients with an electric toothbrush. Despite the grinding sounds the toothbrush makes, the brushing process is not painful. Afterward, a special toothpaste is applied to the teeth for the purpose of polishing. Professional flossing is the penultimate step of the cleaning process, required for the removal of tartar and toothpaste leftovers.

The final step of the teeth-cleaning treatment is applying fluoride to protect your teeth from cavities for a couple of months. This gel is applied to a tray, which is fitted over both upper and lower teeth. It is supposed to sit for a minute, following which one can consume food and drinks immediately.

Prevention of gum disease

Gum disease prevention is yet another benefit of scheduling a dental cleaning appointment. Apart from affecting the enamel, the plaque has the potential to penetrate the gum line and induce the first symptoms of gum disease. The earliest stage of this disease is known as gingivitis, but it can easily transform into periodontitis, which is a much more aggressive form.

The first sign to look out for is red swollen gums, as well as slight bleeding during the process of teeth brushing. Other common symptoms include gum tenderness, bad breath, loose teeth, and receding gums. The more the disease progresses, the worse the symptoms. For instance, loose teeth gradually fall out, accompanied by bone loss.

Nevertheless, a professional dental cleaning plays a major role in the prevention of gum disease. By getting rid of plaque and tartar, it prevents gingivitis development. This treatment is even helpful in patients already suffering from gingivitis, as it reverses the symptoms. Only by attending regular cleaning treatments, hygienists can eliminate bacteria deposits that impede the formation of severe dental issues.

Prevent bad breath and staining

Bad breath, known as halitosis, can be prevented with dental cleaning treatments. This issue affecting almost a quarter of the world’s population is caused by tobacco products, certain foods, poor oral hygiene, and dry mouth.

In addition, plaque is considered responsible for the promotion of bad breath due to the high accumulation of oral bacteria. Also, food particles that get stuck between teeth contribute to halitosis if not removed efficiently. Since dental cleaning is highly effective in the elimination of bacteria and food particles, it prevents halitosis.

Moreover, this type of dental treatment is also helpful in the treatment of tooth discoloration. Certain foods and drinks are particularly harmful in terms of staining, such as tea, coffee, wine, potatoes, apples, berries, etc. Having your teeth professionally cleaned has a tremendous effect on their brightness, which is especially beneficial for individuals fond of drinking lots of coffee and smoking tobacco.

A boost of confidence

Besides providing a multitude of health benefits, a dental cleaning is considered vital when it comes to providing a confidence boost. A large number of individuals feel uncomfortable and embarrassed by the stained look of their teeth, hence being reluctant to show their smile. The same goes for people having a problem with halitosis, which makes them avoid social gatherings.

Nevertheless, professional dental cleaning is capable of doing wonders for patients’ confidence. By making their smile brighter and their breath fresher, dental hygienists encourage people to smile more often and stop rejecting invitations for social events.

Final thoughts

Regular dental cleaning appointments are essential for maintaining good oral health.

It is the only way to avoid tooth decay, halitosis, and unsightly stains!

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Article Author Details

Pankaj Sharma

Pankaj Sharma is a professional blogger and having 5 year experience. He covers topic like business, education, travel and entertainment stuff with fun. He's continued blogging and keep on inspiring other bloggers for the living.