5 Innovative Technologies Your Business Needs To Consider

Latest Tech Innovations – It takes a lot of effort to grow a small business, and too often new business owners are left scrambling to cover all the important aspects of the operation. Technology has leveled the start-up playing field, as many new resources and software packages are scalable to business needs. Any business can take advantage of these five new tech services that can positively impact your company’s growth.

Innovative Technologies

  1. Streamlining Software

Multiple departments and cross-functional teams have a lot of information and tasks to keep organized. Rather than wasting precious time navigating email threads or sitting in weekly meetings, incorporate project management software into your operations. Though these programs aren’t new to the business scene, the latest tech innovations have made them infinitely more adaptable and efficient. Whether you are using a simple project board platform like Trello or the more popular Agile method of organization, there is no shortage to the number of programs available to streamline and simplify your project needs. There is a perfect tool out there for your team.

  1. Time Management Tracking

You can optimize your operations by paying more attention to time tracking. Your employee’s time should be spent productively, and with a time card calculator and task analysis, you can see where the time is being spent. This also helps your payroll team ensure that individuals are being paid properly, while your billing staff knows how to appropriate client charges more accurately. There are several time clock apps that can be used to automate time tracking.

  1. Collaboration Resources

A company that isn’t communicating well isn’t going to succeed. Developing good communication skills between people in your workplace and equipping them with the tools to do so effectively will foster business growth. Instant messaging tools, remote login applications, video conferencing, and VoIP systems are just a few of the technologies revolutionizing the way people in the workplace communicate. Though email is still a solid option, real-time contact avoids miscommunication and time delays.

Collaborative efforts should also include document processing and sharing. Cloud-based storage and retrieval enable multiple users to access a document from any location, but collaboration should also include real-time updates and modifications. Industry-specific software packages can be customized to help your team, whether marketing, sales, payroll, or anyone else, work more smoothly and efficiently. If your company is going to rely on digital document sharing and file storage, be sure you have a strong security network in place to reduce the risk of a breach.

  1. Artificial Intelligence-Powered Customer Service

Companies require efficiency from employees in order to operate, but loyalty from consumers brings in the revenue. A customer service department has to be top-notch in today’s competitive business environment. Traditionally, these departments were run by a team of representatives trained in customer relations and conflict resolution. These skilled individuals would respond to customer phone calls or emails, protecting the brand through their response to a customer complaint or concern. However, technology has revamped the more traditional service model.

Chatbots are an artificial intelligence component that are popping up more frequently across businesses due to the low cost of operation, the faster response times, and the greater depth of knowledge than human responders. Consumers spend more time shopping online or addressing their concerns through digital means, and AI-driven customer service is available whenever a consumer gets online. Questions can be answered as soon as they are posed, eliminating the frustrating of waiting in a call queue or waiting until business hours to make contact.

  1. Accurate Market Forecasting

Decision-making is a key part of business growth, but there is always a fear of the unknown. You don’t need a data scientist on staff to help you leverage market data for clearer decision-making. You don’t need to hire a consulting firm, either. Machine learning and the software programs available are gathering and analyzing a vast amount of market data that can inform your decisions about growth, products, consumer trends, labor needs, and much more.

Within these categories, you will find industry-specific programs to fit your needs. Don’t get left behind the competition. Give yourself an edge with one or more of these technologies.

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Article Author Details

Kevin Gardner

Kevin Gardner loves writing about technology and the impact it has on our lives, especially within businesses.