Mental & Physical Health Go Hand-In-Hand

mental and physical health

“Your body holds deep wisdom. Trust in it. Learn from it. Nourish it. Watch your life transform and be healthy.”

This statement by Bella Bleue, an American dancer, actually tells us that our body is our temple and when we take care of it, our life changes for the better. 

We live in a world where we focus more on physical health, rather than our mental health. But over the last few years, we have seen a shift in the dynamics of our physical and mental well-being. People are becoming more aware of their mental health as well. 

The real truth is that mental and physical health go hand-in-hand, and one cannot function properly without the other. You need mental fitness to maintain physical fitness and physical fitness to keep your mental well-being. 

Let us explore what a healthy mind-body relationship looks like.

  • Do some cardio and get happy!

This is not just a quote, but you can feel a sense of euphoria after a good run. This is because the hormones like endorphins, dopamine, norepinephrine, and serotonin are released when we perform any physical activity that tires us out. This helps in releasing stress and reducing anxiety levels. 

  • Have some rest.

You often find yourself caught up in a mundane routine of work and household chores that you forget to take enough rest. By rest, we mean mental and physical rest, which can be achieved through meditation. The activity of meditation can help you relax your mind, improve concentration and reduce anxiety.

  • Eat good food.

You cannot survive for long on all the junk food. You need to give your body a balanced diet that is filled with rich nutrients, fiber, and lots of water. The hormone, serotonin is connected to your appetite, it curbs your appetite. Sleep, appetite, and mood are all related to each other. 

  • Get good sleep.

Sleep is very important to keep yourself sane and working. A normal human needs an uninterrupted sleep of six to eight hours. It helps in maintaining the health & wellness of your mind and body. If you are unable to catch the minimum required sleep, you will lose focus on your work. 

  • Give equal importance to mental and physical health.

You cannot prioritize and compare mental and physical health. You need to keep a perfect balance between these two to maintain the proper functioning of your body. One cannot work without the other. We are living in the 21st century where both aspects of our health are equally important, and therefore you should treat them equally too. 


The mental and physical well-being and health of the human body are holistic and cannot function without each other. A perfect balance between the two is required to have proper functioning of the human body. Many external factors might affect these, but that is what doctors, trainers, and therapists are for. They help you look after your body and maintain balance in every aspect.

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Article Author Details

Arina Coleman