The 5 Best Acne Diet Tips For Clear And Healthy Skin

There are many causes of acne such as stress, oily skin, and an unhealthy diet. An unhealthy diet can trigger acne condition and cause breakouts on your skin. Creams and over the counter treatments can help to treat acne condition. Dermology acne treatment not only treats your acne but also makes your skin smooth.

The 5 Best Acne Diet Tips For Clear And Healthy Skin

Having a good diet plan is important to get a clear skin. Listed are 5 best diet tips for clear and healthy skin, read on.

Have natural zinc sources in your diet

Zinc has anti-inflammatory properties that help to prevent the condition of acne on your skin. It helps to reduce the oil production and clear the acne-causing bacteria on your skin. You must include natural food sources rich in zinc in your daily diet plan.

Have pumpkin seeds and cashew nuts for your daily snacking. Have quinoa in your breakfast, as it is the powerhouse of zinc. If you are fond of seafood, then you can include crabs and oysters in your diet plan. Seafood is also rich in source of natural zinc. Zinc as a dietary mineral also helps to regulate hormonal imbalance in your body.

Have Low Glycemic foods

Foods that are low in Glycemic index help to regulate the normal hormonal imbalance of the body. Do include these foods in your daily diet plan. Whole-wheat foods can be included in your breakfast and lunch. Have brown bread, rolled oats and brown rice in your meal plan.

Have lots of nuts, raisins, and peanuts in your diet plan. Lentils can also be included in good quantity. You can also include veggies that are rich in the low glycemic index. Veggies like tomato and broccoli help to clear your skin naturally.

Have foods rich in omega 3

Omega 3 rich foods not only help to regulate hormonal imbalance but also reduce inflammation that is caused by acne condition. Omega 3 rich foods make your skin healthy and clear.

Flaxseeds and walnuts are the best sources of omega 3 fatty acids. You can also include soybeans and cod liver oil in your daily diet plan. Chia seeds are also good in the source of omega 3 fatty acids. Include any form as it helps you to get a clear skin.

Have foods rich in vitamin A and E

Vitamin A and E are also known as skin vitamins. Both vitamin A and E help to fight acne-causing bacteria and reduce inflammation. Both the vitamins help to maintain the natural Ph balance of the skin. There are many natural food sources of vitamin E and A.  

Mushrooms, spinach, avocado, tomatoes, and kale are some veggies that should be included in your daily diet plan. These veggies have the maximum amount of vitamin A and E. You can include eggs and olives for natural source of these vitamins.

Have a balanced meal plan

Avoid fried and spicy foods as it aggravates the acne condition. Have lots of liquids and natural fruit juices in your diet plan. Cut down on salt and sugar if possible. Also, include foods that are rich in fiber. Fiber-rich foods are also good for acne-prone skin.

With diet, you can also apply Dermology acne treatment cream for getting rid of acne.

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Article Author Details

Melissa Mellie

Melissa Mellie is a skincare expert by profession. She loves to share her knowledge and experience with people. She regularly contributes her write ups to health or skin care related websites and blogs. In her free time she loves to travel, fashion shows and music.