The Monthly House Cleaning Checklist

House Cleaning Checklist

Cleaning your house is important and is one of the most important everyday chores. Many people clean their houses themselves, but many of them don’t do it properly because they don’t have the time to clean their houses thoroughly. If you are also someone who has a busy routine and doesn’t get much time for cleaning, you can always hire a professional cleaning company. If you can’t afford to hire a cleaning company for daily or weekly cleaning, you can always go for a thorough monthly cleaning. If you are interested in solar panel cleaning head over to Bax Clean.

Here’s a monthly cleaning checklist that you can use to ensure that everything is done and nothing is left behind.

1- Remove Trash from the house

First of all, examine your house and make a list of everything that is needed to be sold, donated, or recycled. If you’re having trouble getting your items out or keeping your tidying schedule, make sure that you involve your family members.

2- Dust all Surfaces Thoroughly

Apart from your daily dusting routine, you need more intense dusting every month. This is when you reach deep into furniture, appliances, window frames, ceilings, and skirting boards. Don’t forget to dust the door and trim hidden corners where spider webs can form.

3- Dust Ceiling Fan

If it has been a while since you have dusted or cleaned your ceiling fan, this is the time for it. You will see a lot of dust and dirt on the fans. Make sure that it is done at least once a month during regular house cleaning to make it look good, work well, and keep the dust out of the air.

4- Clean Light Coverings and Fixtures

Cleaning the lights monthly will prevent the globe and lights from becoming dull or dusty. In many cases, this is a quick task, and you need to wipe the equipment with a cloth. Remove the ball or pan and throw away the insect debris. You’ll be amazed at how bright the light gets after cleaning.

5- Move Seasonal Items to the Store

The winter coats, furniture for patios, lawnmowers, and snowplows are just a few of the items you don’t need to keep at hand all year round. If you don’t have space for these items in the garage or attic, you can rent a store for them.

6- Wipe the Refrigerator

If you find leaks or food spills in your fridge or freezer, you’ll have to get rid of them as soon as possible, but some may be overlooked. Examine the refrigerator and freezer to remove debris to prevent stinks and sticky spots.

7- Clean the Stove

After hours, food residues can collect on the bottom of the oven and burn, producing a black sticky substance that is very tough to remove. A DIY mixture of vinegar and baking soda can scrape off these residues.

8- Clean the Washing Machine

As with the refrigerator, it is advisable to clean the washing machine so that it can be cleaned of dirt, hair, and residues. There are products specially designed to clean the washing machine so you can also use them. Alternatively, a DIY solution of vinegar and water works perfectly.

9- Disinfect the Dishwasher

Run a disinfection cycle to help get rid of bacteria from the dishwasher. This cycle uses warm water to remove bacteria and you get a clean and safe dishwasher in return.

10- Stain Treatment of Carpets and Upholstery

Look for dirt on carpets and upholstery and dispose of any dirt you find. Test the stain cleaner on a small area before using a generous amount of the whole area. You can also go for a pressure wash if you haven’t cleaned your carpet for a long time.

11- Clean the windows

Monthly window cleaning includes the cleaning of both the glass and the window sill. Use a top-rated glass cleaner to clean the dirt from inside the window.

12- Clear the Wardrobe from Inside

Aside from changing clothes, the closet is rarely cleaned. However, it is important to wipe the shelves and hanger rails, as dust inevitably gets in everyday life.

13- Clean the Front Entrance and Door

The first impression of your house is the main entry door; hence, it should be cleaned every month. Doorways also need to be cleaned properly.

14- Clean the Garage

Things are often piled up and forgotten in the garage, which eventually becomes a problem when cleaning after a while. Take a monthly look around your garage to make sure everything is properly set and see if there is anything that needs to be removed or cleaned up.

15- Clean Your Duct system

If you are feeling your indoor air quality is not fresh or unclean then it means your air duct systems need cleanings. You have clean air filters of ducts and clean your air duct properly to remove lint and debris material.

Final Thoughts

Follow the monthly cleaning checklist shared above to deep clean your house. Professional cleaning companies have their own checklists, but you can give them your own and ask them to follow them. This will give peace of mind that all the tasks are completed, and nothing is left.

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Article Author Details

John Adam