Understand Solar Panels Before You Purchase: Your Personal Handbook

Factors to Consider While Buying Solar Panels

There is no denying that solar power is going to lead to a green future. With the advancements in science and technology, we are getting more and more efficient in utilizing solar energy. Therefore, there is no better time to go solar and save the environment. 

Solar panels are the best way to harness the energy from the sun. If you are planning to install solar panels at your place, you need to keep certain factors in mind before buying them.

Factors to Consider While Buying Solar Panels

As you do your research to find the best solar panels, you need to keep a few things in mind. Make sure to review these factors to figure out the solar panels that best fit your requirements: –

  • Suitability of Roof

The placement of the solar panels is a crucial factor to consider. Place the solar panels in the areas of your rooftop which gets maximum exposure to sunlight. As a thumb rule, it would be best if you avoid installing them where they may be blocked by trees or buildings.

  • Types of Solar Panel

There are different types of solar panels that have their fair share of pros and cons. You need to look for the one that suits your needs.

  • Monocrystalline – These are the most developed solar panels which comprise monocrystalline solar cells that are made out of pure silicon. They have higher efficiency than other types of panels.
  • Polycrystalline – These panels consist of several silicon crystals in each PV cell. The fragments of crystals are melted and cut into wafers. They are more eco-friendly compared to monocrystalline solar panels.
  • Thin Film – They belong to the second generation of solar cells. This type of panel may be made from cadmium telluride, copper indium gallium selenide, or amorphous silicon.
  • Efficiency

Efficiency is one of the most important factors you need to consider. It refers to the ability of solar panels to convert input energy into output energy. Higher efficiency means you get more output power even when the sun is not too bright.

  • Size of Solar Panels

Even if the roof of your house has a lot of space, you should still get the panel size that delivers optimal performance. Choose the size of the solar panels while keeping in mind your roof size and your requirement.

  • Durability

Solar panels are a significant financial investment. So, buy them from a brand that offers durable and good quality panels. 

  • Warranty

Warranty is another factor that can help save you both time and money. With a long warranty, you can use the solar panels without incurring any additional expenses.

  • Brand

Solar panels may require servicing from time to time. The check must be done by a professional for the proper functioning of the solar panel system. Most brands that are trusted by people offer these services. So, make sure to buy the solar panels from a reputed brand to avail the best services.

We know that switching to solar can be a daunting task. But if your keep these factors in mind while looking for the best solar panels, you will get the best results. In case you want to buy solar products such as solar panels, you can consider reputed brands such as Luminous. They offer an outstanding range of quality solar panels at affordable prices and extensive features.

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Article Author Details

Amara Etter