What programming language is used for iPhone apps?

What programming language is used for iPhone apps

Are you a native English speaker that wants to use your natural talent? Are you a traditionalist who likes to use Java? Do you think Apple left off one of the best options? Are you just wondering why programming languages never seem to have vowels? We all know the secret, iPhone apps are coded using the Swift programming language. If you’re looking to create an app for the iPhone, you’ve probably run into the debate over what programming language to use.

If you’re looking to create your iOS app, you’ll need to learn a programming language. The question is no longer which language people should learn when creating iOS apps. There are several great options, and picking the wrong one does not end well for most businesses. It’s more about finding the right fit for your needs and ambitions.


It is considered as one of the most popular languages for iOS development. Swift is used by various big companies, namely Lyft, Apple, Airbnb, etc. Swift is a powerful and easy-to-learn language that provides developers with a strong foundation for creating top-notch apps. To get started with iOS development, Swift can be the best language. Swift language provides benefits like:

  • Extensive libraries
  • Responsive
  • Open-source


C# was introduced in 2000 by Microsoft as a persistent rival to Java. Due to its straightforward and high-level architecture, C# has grown in popularity over time. It is currently rated in the 7th rank globally. This programming language is integrated with the .Net framework and is used by 31.4% of programmers today. In addition, several more elements can help you make a more informed decision about this programming language.

Responsive: C# has comprehensive rapid reaction timing during compilation in terms of execution speed.

Open source: Due to its demand among developers, C# became open-source in 2014.

Library: Compared to other languages, C# is faster since it offers various libraries with pre-defined functions.


Recently, Python has been among the most popular open-source, high-level programming languages. Python supports object-oriented, functional, imperative, and procedural development paradigms as a dynamic programming language. This language is quite popular in machine learning programming.


This language can be called the combination of CSS and other technologies to build OS hybrid apps. In hybrid apps, pages are rendered using HTML and CSS and wrapped around a browser control.


The user may observe all the most recent updates with Flutter’s quick experience and immediate reload without missing any important information. The full app development kit, or SDK, which Google presented in 2015 and released in 2017, is something to study if you’re interested in iOS or iPhone App Development.

Is it preferable to diversify or to specialize in one iOS app language?

It is recommended for a new iOS developer to focus on Swift first, as this is the most popular language still for new iPhone apps. It’s best to start with iOS Swift because its similarities to Objective-C make transitioning less challenging. Developers with experience in Objective-C should find their transition to Swift easier than developers without experience.

Closing Words

Every developer knows the importance of the tool they use in developing software. With this in mind, the trend in creating apps is what it has been for the past years: to create apps using Swift. Of course, languages are still being used for iOS development, but with time, you can see a new flow of how things are.

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Willow Ava

I am digital marketing influencer in Australia and editor of optbetter.com.au. Having the sound of experience in content marketing and creating in various niche such as products, services, fashion, travel, how to, trendy stuff, interior designing, and much more across the world.