Tips for Staying Physically and Financially Healthy During the Coronavirus Outbreak

The COVID-19 pandemic has affected every part of American life. Many employers have had to lay off workers, and others have had to reduce employee hours. Most restaurants are drive-through only, and grocery stores are overloaded with the demand for pick-up services. It can be a scary time for many people, and they may wonder how they will stay physically and financially healthy during this crisis. While it is a struggle for many people, there are a few tips that can make this time easier and less detrimental.

COVID-19 pandemic

Financial Health

1. Do Not Let Bills Pile Up

Many companies are being more lenient with customers about bill payment. Some rent collectors and utility companies have extended the due date for payment. If there is no way possible for you to pay your bills right now, this can be a good thing. However, if there is any way that you can pay at least some of the bill, do it. You do not want two or three months’ rent and utilities to all be due at one time, as that would make the financial strain even harder.

2. File for Unemployment

If your employer had to lay you off work for the time being, you may be eligible for unemployment benefits. While these government payments may not be as much as your normal paycheck, they can help you survive the next few weeks or months. Be sure that you use your unemployment money wisely; use it for food purchases and bill payment before anything else. Try to cut back any unnecessary expenses for the time being so that you can focus on the things that are truly essential.

3. Use Credit Repair if Needed

The COVID-19 pandemic is a time in which you may have to depend more on credit cards. You may need to use them to pay some of your bills and to keep food on your table. If you are having trouble getting approved for a card due to bad credit history, it may be worth investing in a credit repair service in the Houston area. This service can help improve your credit score, and afterward, you may be eligible to apply for a credit card.

Physical Health

1. Stay at Home When Possible

If you are an essential employee, like those working in healthcare, you will likely still have to go to work. However, if you have been laid off from your job or have the option of working from home, try to stay in as much as possible. The less contact you have with others, the less likely you are to spread or contract the virus. Use video chat apps to stay connected with your family members, and send handwritten letters in the mail to let them know you are thinking of them.

2. Maintain Social Distancing

You will likely have to leave your house at some point for food or groceries. When you do have to go out into the public, try to maintain social distancing as much as possible. This means staying six feet away from others at all times. Use grocery delivery or pick-up services if they are available in your area. Avoid loitering in stores for a long period of time. Instead, go in, get what you need and get out.

This is a confusing, frustrating and scary time for many people. There is so much uncertainty about when the crisis will be over, and it can be easy to get alarmed. However, panic will not help the situation, so keeping a level head and smart habits are necessary during this time. For those who are struggling with the financial and physical impacts of the virus, try to remain positive. The pandemic will end eventually, and hopefully sooner than later. Everyone will be glad to return to normal life, and with these tips in mind, you can be less affected overall.

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Article Author Details

Kevin Gardner

Kevin Gardner loves writing about technology and the impact it has on our lives, especially within businesses.