Different Art-Based Fundraiser Ideas for Charity

Different Art-Based Fundraiser Ideas for Charity

While deciding how to raise money this year, consider focusing on the arts. Love for the arts is prevalent, but there’s also a feeling of goodwill that goes along with helping those in need. Before deciding on a goal, consider these different art-based fundraiser ideas for charity to inspire your drive.

Art Gala

The first event to think of hosting is an art gala. Art galas are a fun way to bring communities together and raise awareness for both charity and art. There’s a lot you can do with an art gala; it’s not necessary to have award-winning artwork from world-renowned artists. By simply reaching out to local art markets, you’ll discover plenty of makers who would love to help raise awareness for a cause while also promoting their name.

And it doesn’t need to be a black-tie affair. Just pick an open space and ensure there are enough pieces to interest others in the community. While everyone enjoys the art, they can walk to different stalls to donate to your cause or grab an information sheet with your fundraising website to donate later.

Talent Show

As much as the art world loves to give back, they also love seeing performers, even amateurs. When hosting a talent show, you want the venue to be big enough for an audience to sit and watch.

The talent show should be inclusive, so you should not require any auditions. If you want to make it more interactive and fun, hire someone to host your event so they can get the audience more involved with the show.

You can raise money for the event from business sponsorships that match your donation value. Also, consider streaming the talent show so others can watch from outside the venue or from their couch at home.

Art Workshops

Tell your guests to break out their crafting supplies and get down to their community center for a fun art workshop. Like art galas, art workshops bring out the best in others. They can craft what they want without any restraints.

As you plan the art workshops, hire local professionals to lead community members to create something they can take home or sell to raise profits for a charity. It’s vital to plan this strategically because not everyone is a professional artist.

If you plan to host family-friendly projects, consider having instructors hold classes for specific age groups. For example, smaller children can learn how to create a little house from foods like macaroni. Plan on donating the registration fees to your charity.

There are plenty of art-based ideas to use for your charity event. To improve your event, ensure your guests are aware of the cause. Build awareness that the event isn’t just to come out and do crafts but to give to a charity. Keep this in mind as you prepare for your next fundraising opportunity.

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Article Author Details

Bill Schroder

Bill Schroder is a Beirut-based correspondent for The World Beast. He has reported from over a dozen countries in the Middle East for such publications. Follow: Tweets by @SchroderBill