How To Increase Morale for Your Office Team

How To Increase Morale for Your Office Team

Are things starting to feel a little sluggish around the office? Have your employees lost that fire that keeps them going? You want to consider some new ways to increase morale for your office team. You need your employees to help you grow and improve your business. That’s why you need to take excellent care of them.

Stay One Step Ahead

Don’t let the problem sneak up on you, and stay ahead of the game. Identify any areas that could potentially cause your employees to burn out and come up with preventative measures to combat this. Preventative actions are the best line of defense because you don’t give problems a chance to arise.

Maybe the office atmosphere needs a change. Take a day and observe the way your employees interact with each and how they work independently. Write down some problems you note and brainstorm solutions. Ask your team members how they feel. See if they have some other areas that you missed and hear their solutions.

Conduct One-on-One Interviews

When companies want to boost office morale, some of them conduct surveys. However, with surveys, the responses are usually limited. Ask as many questions as you want and include some long-form response areas.

But morale is about getting personal. You must know your employees if you want to improve their work-life balance. One-on-one interviews force you and your workers to face each. You can read body language and reassure them that the interview is a safe place. You want them to be open and honest so that you can better assist them.

Do More Than Leaving the Door Open

You’re not the first boss to have an “open door” policy, and you won’t be the last. Since so many others have coined the phrase, think outside the box. Don’t always wait for your employees to come to you. Do monthly check-ups with your team so that you can see what’s working and what’s not.

Keep an open line of communication with everyone. If there are new members on your team that you haven’t met yet, go out of your way to schedule a meeting. Let them know that you value them and want them to reach out to you anytime.

Have all the other group leaders and supervisors follow this same example. You need everyone on the same page so that nothing falls through the cracks. Give your employees frequent compliments on their work, even when you have critiques. Cushion the blow by telling them what you liked first before you give them your improvement suggestions.

Don’t let productivity numbers decrease in your office. Increase the morale of your team with these few easy steps and watch the work-life atmosphere shift.

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Article Author Details

Bill Schroder

Bill Schroder is a Beirut-based correspondent for The World Beast. He has reported from over a dozen countries in the Middle East for such publications. Follow: Tweets by @SchroderBill