The Most Popular Piling Methods Used in Construction

The Most Popular Piling Methods Used in Construction

When you build a foundation for a structure, the surrounding soil might need help from piles driven into the ground to help stabilize and secure the construction. With various techniques, we list the most popular piling methods used in construction so you can get an idea of which to use in your next project. Each method offers different benefits, and in some cases, the plan you choose could depend on the type of surrounding soil on the worksite.

Driven Piles

The most common method is driving the piles into the ground through pile driving machines or hydraulic hammers. Typically, the piles are made from wood, concrete, or steel that compacts the soil as you drive the pile into the ground. The pile can then distribute the structure’s load through weight-bearing and friction.

Cast-In-Situ Piles

Slightly different from driving piles, a cast-in-situ pile is when a pre-dug hole is reinforced by pouring concrete inside. This helps distribute the weight but does not help hold the structure through friction. While this method is less invasive than driving piles into the ground, you can implement a combination of the two with a hollow steel pile in the ground that is filled with concrete—this way, you get the best of both worlds.

Soil Compactor Piles

When the soil on the construction site is not sturdy enough to support a foundation, the construction team can use soil compacting piles that help compact sandy soil and just about every other kind, too. Instead of pouring concrete into the hole, sand is used. This technique creates a denser foundation for the structure you are about to build.

Screw Piles

Much like the driven pile, a screw pile is exactly how it sounds—you “screw” them into the ground. These piles are generally made from steel, and because hammering the piles can damage or compromise the strength of the pile, screwing them in makes it much easier and less invasive. This method is very versatile because you can do this technique in virtually any soil type.

There are many different popular piling methods used in the construction industry. The company and team must evaluate the soil surrounding the work zone to determine which practice is the best to be used. Pile driving is a must when you want a stable and secure foundation.

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Article Author Details

Bill Schroder

Bill Schroder is a Beirut-based correspondent for The World Beast. He has reported from over a dozen countries in the Middle East for such publications. Follow: Tweets by @SchroderBill