How to Keep Your House Air Clean from Wildfire Fumes: The Essential Guide

No matter the current state of your lungs or history with any pulmonary diseases, wildfire fumes are scary. It’s easier for them to get trapped inside the confines of your house and prove catastrophic for your long-term health. At this time, it’s not only good but also vital to keep your house air clean. 

Unlike in the wild, the fumes find their way out with environmental ventilation. You can’t just rely on the house’s interior structure to vent out the toxins of fumes.

You will need to install a robust system with the best air purifiers for wildfire smoke at your home!

What Should You Consider Before Choosing an Air Purifier?

Coping with wildfire smoke is not only challenging but can also turn fatal. To face such drastic events, you must prepare your house with the best air purifiers for wildfire smoke

By keeping important factors in mind, you can stay safe inside your house during a catastrophe. 

  • HEPA Filter

High-Efficiency Particulate Air (HEPA) or mechanical filter enables the air to be clean of particulate matter. The filter will physically force out the contaminants from your house’s air. 

However, you shouldn’t be alarmed if you can still smell the smoke. Your house is free of smoke particulates with HEPA under your roof. 

  • Activated Carbon Cleaner

The smell of the smoke can stay inside your house for a long time. Additionally, the fumes carry with themselves VOCs or Volatile Organic Compounds. If anyone in your home has asthma, organic compounds will further damage their upper and lower respiratory systems.

Activated Carbon in a filter will scrap out the VOCs and odour from your house air to make it safe and breathable.

  • Noise Levels

The smoke from wildfires takes weeks to clear out from the surroundings. That’s why you’ll need to run your purifier all day long. 

The constant noise from the filters can create a nuisance for your comfortable sleep. Noise ratings and manual high-low speed checks can inform you about the volumes your machine will go up to.

  • Size and Placement

Whether you’re thinking from the perspective of cost or air filtration, the size of your purifier matters. Check the measurements of the rooms of your house for efficient purification and placement. 

Tips to Safeguard Yourself When You’re Caught in The Middle of Smoke

If you’re anywhere from New South Wales, it must be spine-chilling to think of the severity of the wildfires. The smoke from wildfires causes your eyes to burn to the extent that visibility is hampered. Moreover, the particulates from the fumes linger in the air and cause asthma attacks, bronchitis, etc.

Taking it easy with a few tips can help you with fume exposure.

  • Don’t panic at the thought of getting stuck, and engage your lungs in shallow breaths.
  • Drink plenty of water to let your kidneys expel wildfire fume toxins.
  • Wear a PM 2.5 protectant mask to prevent extended fume exposure.
  • If you’re in a public place, look out for community spaces with indoor filtration systems to take shelter.


Wildfire smoke isn’t merely a personal inconvenience rather an international hazard. With the climate changes getting more aggravated every year, bushfires will be a more frequent sight. 

The most effective way to protect yourself from smoke is to prepare before the catastrophe hits and causes damage. Air purifiers are a sure-shot way to enhance your standard of living and stay worry-free about the air you’re inhaling.


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Article Author Details

Mila Jones

Mila Jones is a farmer of words in the field of creativity. She is an experienced independent content writer with a demonstrated history of working in the writing and editing industry. She is a multi-niche content chef who loves cooking new things.