How To Tell if Your Dog Is Lonely and What To Do About It

How To Tell if Your Dog Is Lonely and What To Do About It

Judging a dog’s personality before bringing it home can be difficult, and sometimes they’ll surprise you later. For example, what if your new dog starts showing signs of loneliness? Here’s how to tell if your dog is lonely and what you can do about it.

Destructive Behavior

Dogs naturally have a lot of energy. When they’re bored and lonely, they will sometimes take out their feelings on your furniture or throw pillows. All that pent-up energy and emotion has to go somewhere. It may also be a way of getting your attention.

Lethargy and Sleepiness

Depending on your dog’s personality, they may get a little depressed if they’re lonely. Instead of acting out, they’ll sleep more often than usual and show a lack of interest in you or their toys.

Loss of Appetite

With the lack of energy and stimulation comes a decreased need for food. However, every dog needs to eat, so be sure to talk to your vet if your dog stops eating altogether. That can be a sign of an even more serious issue.

Clingy Behavior

When your dog is lonely, it may come to you for companionship. A lonely dog may follow their owner around the house, whining for attention. They may get in your way on purpose as a way of getting your attention.

How To Help Lonely Dogs

It can be heartbreaking to bring home a new dog only to realize later that they need more companionship than you can provide. However, there are plenty of things you can do to help your dog.

If possible, you might try getting another dog with a similar temperament. That way, they can play together when you’re not available.

However, sometimes getting a second dog isn’t possible due to space, financial, or tenant limitations. Your next best option is to take your dog to a professional doggy daycare where they can play and be social all day long. When they come home, they’ll be ready to relax and hang out with you.

We hope this guide on how to tell if your dog is lonely and what to do about it helps you find the right solution for you and your furry friend.

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Article Author Details

Bill Schroder

Bill Schroder is a Beirut-based correspondent for The World Beast. He has reported from over a dozen countries in the Middle East for such publications. Follow: Tweets by @SchroderBill