Reasons To Live in an Apartment Instead of a House

Reasons To Live in an Apartment Instead of a House

While being a homeowner certainly has its perks, don’t discount the many benefits of living in an apartment instead of a house. Apartment living offers a sense of convenience and community that’s harder to achieve when you live in a house. Read on for more compelling reasons to make your next home an apartment.

Less Commitment, More Flexibility

Does your job take you from city to city? Are you just getting started living on your own, unsure of what you want in a home? Renting an apartment offers you the flexibility to move when you need to without having to sell your old place first.

Meanwhile, if you own a home and need to move for any reason, you will likely have to put your house on the market and wait for it to sell before you can even put an offer on another place.

Need Maintenance? No Worries

When you live in a house, it’s up to you to keep the place in good working order. Maintaining your HVAC system, fixing your dishwasher, replacing old carpets—it all falls on you.

If that level of responsibility is daunting to you, think about moving into an apartment. Apartment complexes employ maintenance staff who will fix or replace appliances when they break down. They take care of the building’s inner workings so you don’t have to.

Bigger Isn’t Always Better

Many people think they’ll be happier in a big, roomy home with plenty of space. Big houses are a status symbol and a common marker of having “made it” in life—but do you really need or want all that space? Do you have the time or energy to maintain a big house?

One of the most common myths about apartment life is that residents have to downsize their possessions to squeeze everything in. However, many apartments have plenty of square footage to accommodate you, your family, and your possessions, with space left over.

Community Is Built Right In

Living in an apartment building grants you plenty of opportunities to befriend your neighbors. Whether you make small talk in the mail room or meet up with folks to enjoy the complex’s amenities, you’re surrounded by potential new friends.

Meanwhile, living in a house puts much more physical space between you and your neighbors. There are fewer opportunities to shoot the breeze, especially if your neighbors value their privacy and don’t want folks knocking on their door.

If you’re planning a move in the near future, why not live in an apartment instead of a house? There are plenty of compelling reasons to choose apartment life; become part of a tight-knit neighborhood without sacrificing space or comfort.

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Article Author Details

Bill Schroder

Bill Schroder is a Beirut-based correspondent for The World Beast. He has reported from over a dozen countries in the Middle East for such publications. Follow: Tweets by @SchroderBill