Why do people choose cremation?


Considering what to do with your remains after you pass away can be a huge decision. Whether you’re considering a family plot or you’re interested in finding something affordable: many come back to thinking about cremation. This recently-popular form of treating bodies is becoming extremely common, but why?

What makes people choose cremation, and is it the right choice for you as well? This is everything you need to know about the practice. 

It’s More Eco-Friendly Than Many Modern Burial Practices

Compared to modern burial, which includes taking up extra land, using chemicals, and wasting resources: cremation seems like a far greener option to many. Although it does put off a lot of CO2: when compared to traditional burial, it’s far greener and takes up less space. This is a large reason so many have opted in for cremation in recent years.

Many Don’t Like the Idea of Decaying.

The idea of decaying is enough to set many people into an existential crisis. Although we’re all going to die eventually, nobody wants to deal with the idea of what will happen to our bodies when nature is able to get its hands on our remains. Instead of being consumed with that, many choose cremation because it’s a flash of heat, and then you get to exist as dust and ashes.  This can feel cleaner and less terrifying to some.

It’s Easier to Transport and Disseminates Your Ashes

If you want to end up somewhere beautiful and peaceful: it can be difficult to find this through traditional burial. If you’re cremated, it’s easier to be disseminated somewhere gorgeous or set out to the sea, which gives you something unique to look forward to.  You can even set aside money to make a vacation out of it, asking your family to take you back to your family’s original country or to a vacation area you loved.

Cremation Is Far More Affordable

The average cost of cremation is 40% to 50% less expensive than traditional burial in the United States. If you can’t leave behind much money, or you know your family and loved ones won’t be able to afford anything extravagant, cremation can be an awesome choice.

Although nobody wants to think about picking their end-of-life services based mainly on a budget: it’s still an important factor that has to be considered.

People Want to Be Taken Care of How Their Family Is

If someone’s parents, siblings, grandparents, or other loved ones have been cremated: they’re more likely to want to be cremated as well. Although cremation is still relatively new, it’s quickly become a tradition within America, and people are eager to keep up with what their family does.  

This also allows things like sitting in the same place as your loved ones or eventually being buried with a loved one since you’ll be more compact.  

There’s No Perfect Choice for Everyone

Although life would be easier if we had an easy answer for what to do with our remains after we die: there’s no answer that fits everyone. Cremation is a fantastic choice for anyone considering it.

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Article Author Details

Clayton Richard